Coke.Never. Ever. I found my kindred spirit without meeting them in my uni days, when scrawled along the outside of a building I saw the graffitied words “coke is great toilet cleaner.” Now when I ask baby girl what coke is good for, she says happily “cleaning toilets.” Case clo...
She rarely cries, sleeps like a champ and pretty much smiles the rest of the day. I always tell Henry that it’s a good thing she’s our third, because if she came first and then her brothers came after, I most likely would have thought something was wrong with the boys (with the...
back to sleep, instead we take him downstair and he has little daddy time as he only sees him in the evenings and weekends :) after 30-40 mins I take him back upstair and after his feed, cuddle and song he falls asleep (when he starts falling asleep I put him down and pat his ...
It wasn’t that bad when he was smaller but now it is getting harder for me since he is getting bigger and heavier, it’s hurts/breaks my back as well my husbands’. I have tried three times “cry it out” method but can’t bear to hear him cries his heart out so I gave up ...