We all know the new baby will be the king or queen of the jungle (and possibly born to be wild!), so a safari or jungle baby shower theme is a fun and great idea for a baby girl or boy. And it’s perfect if the parents-to-be love nature and wildlife. Decoration Ideas: Put s...
It possess high starch (7.1 per cent) and delightful sweet flavour (total sugars 1.3 per cent) than the local baby corn. It serve as a valuable nutritious energy source with the attractive standard size cob (9 to lO cm) suited for export market and released as CoBc 1 (1988).G. NAL...
CORNThe optimization of plant nutrients and irrigation regimes hold potential to boost maize growth, cob yield, herbage biomass and revenue generation of maize. A field study was conducted to optimize irrigation and fertilization management for dual-purpose maize. The ex...
(2007). Effect of Crop Geometry, Intercropping Systems and INM Practices on Cob Yield and Nutrient U.ptake of Baby Corn. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 1 (1): 10- 16.Thavaprakash, N., Velayudham, K., 2007. Effect of crop Geometry, Intercropping systems and INM practices on cob...
two levels of lime (0 or 2 Mg/ha), two levels of organic fertiliser (0 or 5 Mg/ha), and three levels of biochar (0, 10 or 30 Mg/ha) in a factorial design for ameliorating acidity in an acid sulfate soil, and measured the subsequent growth and yield of baby corn ...
Baby cornCob yield. Crop geometryIntercropping systemsNutrient managementNutrient uptakeField experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Coimbatore during late rabi 2002 (January to March) and late rabi 2002 - 03 (December-March) seasons to study the impact of varied crop ...
Weed characteristics and green cob yield as influenced by crop geometry and nitrogen and iron nutrition in babycornM PavithraKR LathaN ThavaprakaashAkiNik Publications
Plant Growth Regulators and Split Application of Nitrogen Improves the Quality Parameters and Green Cob Yield of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.). J Agron. 2007; 6(1):2008-211.Muthukumar, V.B., K. Velayudham and N. Thavaprakaash, 2007. Plant growth regulators and split application of nitrogen ...
Change in Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activity of Silk, Husk and Cob of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.) during Four Phenological Stagesdoi:10.56042/jsir.v83i3.7217Swain, SachidanandaBal, Lalit M.Singh, ShrawanKumar, NareshDevi, MridulaGangaiah, B....
The impact of Klebsiella quasipneumoniae inoculation with nitrogen fertilization on baby corn yield and cob qualityMICROBIAL inoculantsCORNCOBSNITROGEN fertilizersSUSTAINABLE agricultureKLEBSIELLAAGRICULTUREIn response to the escalating costs and diminishing efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers, the a...