baby corncompositefodderBC 2, is a baby corn composite suitable for irrigated and rainfed situations. Each, plant can yield 2 to 3 cobs and the tender cobs can be harvested between 50 and 65 days after sowing before fertilization. It has an yield potential of 8316 kg baby corn and 32.2 ...
[12]Anantha, MS. 2004. Combining ability and molecular diversity analysis in maize inbreds. M.Sc. (Ag.), Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India. [13]Selvarani E. 2007. Studies on combining ability of fodder maize (Zea mays L.) and sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharata) for...
Baby corn Kichadi/ Makai Ki kichadi - Madappalli 05/01/22 18:26 Baby Corn Kichadi Kichadis are very tasty rice with other grains in a mushy form along with dals, Vegetables and spices. This Corn Kichadi is a very tasty dish made using tender baby corns. Baby corns lends a refreshing ...
Baby corns lends a refreshing tangy taste to this spiced rice,...Corn Baby 401: kathirikai rasavangi/Baby Eggplants in Spicy Tamarind - Madappalli 08/01/14 18:00 Brinjal Rasavangi This is a very traditional and authentic Tamil Brahmin recipe prepared with Brinjals. Simple recipe and easy...
Field investigation was carried out during winter 2022 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore to study the phenological behaviour and yield of baby corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by heat units. The split-plot design consisting of three dates of sowing viz....
Baby cornintercropping systemsINM practicesfodder yieldfodder qualityField experiments were conducted during late rabi 2002 and 2003 seasons at Eastern Block farm of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. The texture of the experimental fields is sandy clay loam. The experiments were laid...
This study examines the effective approaches used in estimating ET for baby corn water management which could be made to boost the precision of ET estimation and achieve precise water management.T. SankarDepartment of Crop ManagementMother Terasa College of Agriculture 622102 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu ...
Increased growth parameters resulted in increased green fodder yield. Application of B and K with different concentrations and P (0.25 and 0.50%) failed to influence the growth and yield of baby corn.Dr N. ThavaprakaashDepartment of AgronomyTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityK. Velayudham & S. ...
baby cornirrigation regimenitrogen levelswater requirementwater use efficiencyField experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University during summer and kharif, 1997 to study the effect of irrigation regimes nitrogen levels and their interaction on baby corn. Three levels of irrigation regime ...
baby cornA field experiment was conducted at the Eastern Block farm, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, to find out the effect of different plant growth regulators and split application of nitrogen on the productivity and some of the quality parameters of baby corn. The field trial ...