Frankly, for a film targeted at the general public, I have more respect for the idiot “It’s a Unix system, I know that!” scene in Jurassic Park, (a.k.a. unix for morons), than this drama’s allegedly wink-wink cryptographic mindset for the cryptographically minded viewer. Get this...
Jeff Willoughby: I met Rob Morse on the school bus. Our homes were near each other. We talked and discovered our mutual interest in music and eventually got together in his basement to jam. He was on drums and I was playing the steel guitar! I knew only some standards and tho...
Canbus box Adaptor RP5-RN-101 For Renault Captuer Clio /Express 2021 With Wiring Harness Cable Android Car Radio188CM LLT188 Roof Tent Small SUV Car General Outdoor Double Tent Self-driving Tour Hard Shell Car Tent Waterproof and Foldable1999-2006 Tailgate Lift Support For Chevrolet Silverado ...
This morning I bought a dock for my laptop. It comes with a set of keys (which areavailable seperately on EBay). I also have a set of locks to install on my desk drawers which I strongly suspect all have the same key. Should I be bothered? My use case is to dissuade casual passin...