Expecting a baby boy? Discover the perfect name from our vast collection ofHindu baby boy nameswith meanings. Stress-free and simple, we're confident you'll find an ideal name for your son! You are browsing Hindu baby boy names! Looking for something else? Let us know,Contact us. ...
NameMeaningGender AshwinSpear Friend; A Star; A Hindu Month; Win; TrustBoy ViratVery Big; Giant Proportioned; GreatBoy Sharmaprotection, comfort, joy in Sanskrit.Boy ReddyDominate; LeaderBoy JaspreetOne who Loves to Sing Praises of the LordBoy ...
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Please Click on the name to Save it to Favorites and View Saved Names laterHindu baby boy names, Baby boy names, Indian baby boy names 2025Saach = the truth Saagar = ocean Saakaar = Manifestation of god Saanjh = Evening Saaras = swan Saatatya = Never ending Sabal = with strength Sab...
We know that boy names can be pretty hard to choose from. This feels like such a big responsibility! A name is not just a label; it has meaning, history, and sometimes even family ties. We have been through this once ourselves, and let me tell you, it is pretty exciting and overwhel...
PleaseClick on the nametoSave it to FavoritesandView Saved Nameslater Hindu baby boy names, Baby boy names, Indian baby boy names 2025 Jagan = Universe Jagadbandu = Lord Krishna Jagadeep = Light of the Universe Jagadhish = Lord of the Universe ...
Hindu Baby Boy NamesMahesh Dutt Sharma
you're sure to find the ideal name that captures the life of your child and brings joy to your family. here are popular boy names and popular girl names with unique origins. find the perfect baby name for your little one with us. We are popular in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the...
with meanings. Stress-free and simple, we're confident you'll find an ideal name for your son!You are browsing Indo Pakastini baby boy names! Looking for something else? Let us know, Contact us. Sorry. No Results << >> Browse Boy Names by letter A B C D E F G H I J K L...