If your baby is born with tongue-tie, rest assured that this is a minor condition that oftentimes resolves on its own or with a simple medical procedure. Ask your child’s healthcare provider to weigh in on whether the wait-and-see approach is best, or whether a frenotomy or frenulopla...
TONGUE-TIE AND THE BOTTLE-FED BABYAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.Samuel A. VisanskaSouthern Medical AssociationSouthern Medical Journal
Don’t worrytoomuch (easier said than done, we know): You'll get the hang of everything in time. Just don't freak out if adjusting to this new life doesn't "come naturally"—it can take a little longer for some than others. These first few weeks with your newborn are about resti...
If your baby's doctor is reluctant to treat the frenulum but you believe that treatment would benefit youand baby, don't hesitate to consult another practitioner who is familiar with the diagnosis and treatmentof tongue-tie. Leaders andlactation consultants usually know which local health care ...
Test your baby’s newborn reflexes Check the umbilical site Check your baby’s tongue movements to make certain they’re not restricted by a lip or tongue tie DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES Briefly lifts the head during tummy time Brings hands to face ...
Test your baby’s newborn reflexes Check the umbilical site Check your baby’s tongue movements to make certain they’re not restricted by a lip or tongue tie DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES Briefly lifts the head during tummy time Brings hands to face ...
Does my baby have tongue tie? While Peeper and I didn’t get help with her tongue tie until she was two months old, I knew what signs to look for with Kiwi, my second child. Kiwi showed many of the same signs of tongue tie that her big sister did. ...
Designed by a mom to track her own newborn’s activity, Nara Baby & Mom is free (and ad-free). The intuitive, calming design allows you to track naps, diaper cha…
Lip-Tie and Tongue-Tie More Than Making it Through the Day: 0-6 Months More Than Making it Through the Day: 6-9 Months Reading Aloud: Start From Birth Sample Babywise Baby Schedules Sample Babywise Schedules: Three Months Old Sleep Hierarchy for Babies 3-6 Months ...
Tongue-tie(or ankyloglossia) is when the tissue under the tongue is short, thick or tight. This can restrict how the tongue moves. Babies, children and adults can have tongue-tie, with4-10%of the population affected. This means12,000-32,000Australian children are born with a tongue-tie ...