Lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby Increase your baby's heart rate Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely or born with low birth weight Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) prob...
blue babyan infant born withcyanosis, a bluish color due to abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the circulating blood, usually due to one or more defect(s) of the heart or great vessels. See alsocongenital heart defect. collodion babyan infant affected withlamellarexfoliationof the newborn...
High or low oxygen saturation for the preterm baby . Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2001 ; 84 : F149 - 50 .McIntosh N.High or low oxygen saturation for the preterm baby. Archives of Disease in Childhood . 2001...
low-birth-weight baby,low-birth-weight infant- aninfantbornweighinglessthan5.5pounds(2500grams)regardlessofgestationalage;"alow-birth-weightinfantis atriskfordevelopinglackofoxygenduringlabor" postmature infant-infantbornafter42weeksofgestation;usuallyshowssignsofplacentalinsufficiency ...
Pneumothorax:It is the rupture of air sacs in the lung that causes babies to have rapid breathing as well as low oxygen levels. Congenital Lung Malformations:This is when infants are born with a rare congenital malformation of the lungs. This condition develops in the womb(8). These malformat...
Anemia of prematurity Anemia of prematurity means that a baby born early (prematurely) does not have enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen read more Baby not smiling 9.06K views share Baby not smiling Smiles are the first building blocks of warm, loving and responsive relationship...
Oxygen deprivation These risk factors will be taken into consideration when your baby's hearing is evaluated. However, babies can still have hearing problems even if they don't have any risk factors. Hearing loss can also develop after birth. Parents and caregivers are often the first to real...
Unlike the initial situation in isolated cases of ASD or VSD, the combination of RVOT stenosis and VSD leads to a right-to-left shunt in the Fallot babies. This way, the shunting blood volume with low oxygen saturation circumvents the pulmonary circulation and enters directly the systemic circu...
Meanwhile, organ shortage, organ viability due to a lack of blood and oxygen supply during preservation and transportation, as well as moral and ethical issues also pose challenges to the procedure. Besides saving the life of patients with failed vital organs, scientists have also conducted hand ...
the easiest way to learn it is on your back. Be sure to turn onto your side after doing the exercise so you're not flat on your back for more than a few minutes. (Lying on your back puts more pressure on the blood vessels in your pelvis, which in turn may decrease oxygen supply ...