in Norway, the other with the University of Vienna in Austria, has found that women with large heads tend to have birth canals that are shaped differently on average to accommodate what will likely be babies being born with larger heads. In their paper published inProceedings of the National A...
his team also found that high-altitude babies tended to have relatively larger heads compared with their bodies. this is probably because a fetus starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to rest of the body. giussani wants to find out if such babies have a hig...
With a variety of styles and colors to choose from, you can find the perfect wallpaper to decorate your little one's room.18 images 4480 x 6720 A child by a boat looking at the sea from the end of a path Hakon 3504 x 2336 Close-up of child ear in black & white Hakon 3840 x...
Some babies displayed symptoms that included eczema and weight loss. The babies also developed abnormally large heads, a skull deformity, according to a Hunan TV report. They were diagnosed with rickets because of extreme vitamin D defi...
Balmès records such quotidian moments of human and ethnographic interest with subtle artistry. His camera sits low, offering a baby’s-eye view of the world. Adult bodies loom large, and heads are often offscreen, creating compositions of anonymous universality. There is a wonderful shot of Po...
It used to be an old suspicion that cats would “steal breath” from a sleeping child. In reality, they just probably wanted to be close to those they liked best. Cats are notorious for hopping into bed with their humans and sleeping...
that the tots in their charge are not merely gurgling but communicating. Among them is their son, Archie (Michael andMax Iles), who spends his days kibitzing with three other babies and trying to save BobbinsWorld from the no-goodniks -- while getting zero quality time with Mom and Dad...
Hydrocephalus is a difficult condition that affects newborn babies, even though it is quite rare. Babies born with hydrocephalus have enlarged heads, due to problems with the brain at a young age. The cerebrospinal fluid is a natural part of the body which help supply nutrients to the brain ...
Babies' heads are disproportionately large (and heavy) for their bodies, so it takes time to develop the coordination and strength to keep their heads up. If your baby seems to struggle to lift their head up even slightly at 3 months old, mention it at your baby's next doctor visit. Bu...
We control our head with our sternocleidomastoid muscles or SCMs which start at the top of the sternum and finish on the skull just behind each ear. These muscles control our head balance and allow us to raise and lower our heads.