Hong Kong doctor says babies born to pregnant SARS victims have breathing problems, other symptoms
When your child's nose is stuffy, they may havetrouble breathing, sleeping, and eating. Saline nasal drops can thin themucusin their nose and shrink swollen airways. Use them two or three times per day; any more often could make their nose sore. Nasal saline gel can be used to calmcong...
It can be accompanied by crying, crankiness, tiredness, an inability to eat or talk properly, and even breathing problems. A sore throat is a visitor that is never welcome, although in general, it is not a very serious complaint. It is important to know more about what causes it and ...
crying uncontrollably, has seizures, has diarrhea, is vomiting, has a rash, is dehydrated, has a stiff neck, is showing signs of severe pain, is having trouble breathing or eating, or has recently been in a hot place, such as a hot car, ...
Call 911if your baby or toddler has any of these symptoms or conditions: Fast or difficult breathing (ribs pulling in with each breath) Bluish or gray skin color Not drinking enough fluids (not peeing as much as usual is a sign of this; see other signs ofdehydration) ...
Although the solution in adults can be the use of mouth tape to keep the mouth closed at night to retrain the breathing pattern, we should not wait until we have symptoms. The focus needs to be on prevention. The first step is an assessment whether the children’s tongue can do its ...
Breathing in the eggs that might be latched onto clothes or sheets. This can happen when the infected item is being shaken. Itching, especially around the anal region, could cause your child to pick up pinworm eggs through their fingernails. Symptoms of Pinworm in Babies Parents, if you’re...
Watch for any trouble breathing, such as their face turning blue; call 911 immediately for any breathing problems If the seizure lasts more than 15 minutes, call 911 immediately. Here are additional cautions when your little one is having a febrile convulsion: ...
7/17/2014 - No one should use Big Pharma's toxic drugs to support the myth of brain chemistry imbalances. Even the FDA prohibits prescribing these to children under five. Yet in 2013 the number of babies under one year of age in the USA prescribed dangerous psychotropic drugs was well ove...
The symptoms should go away in a week or so. But persistent, thin, watery nasal discharge may indicate allergies. A rare and severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis results in rapid swelling of baby's airways. This prevents baby from breathing or swallowing. If you think this is happening...