Hands of Love by Carol Phillips The Female Pelvis by Blandine Calais-Germain A New Look at a Woman’s Body by Boston Womens’ Health Collective Gray’s Anatomy by Henry Gray Kuliukas, A., Kuliukas, L., Franklin, D., & Flavel, A. (2015). Female pelvic shape: Distinct types or nebul...
Because not only did I need to dump one full bowl out of the car (by the way – how the fuck to you pull a full-to-the-brim bowl of urine out from under you without spilling? Answer : you don’t) I then had to fill up another without serious dripping and splatter (nope). I ...
I should also mention that the entire staff was incredible kind and helpful (besides Dr. Angry Hands who my vagina still has a grudge against.) A friend reached out to me a few days after Sid was born to check in on me and asked if I felt like the birth was traumatic. I thought a...
I should also mention that the entire staff was incredible kind and helpful (besides Dr. Angry Hands who my vagina still has a grudge against.) A friend reached out to me a few days after Sid was born to check in on me and asked if I felt like the birth was traumatic. I thought a...
A provider should have the same guidance, rather than being guided by statistical probability, philosophy, or ideology. It is all of our responsibilities to sense the whole truth and not the part that fits our personal ideology. Sit beside the birthing woman with the understanding that she is ...
Ok, clearly something was off, so I texted my midwife and told her that either I peed on myself, or my water broke. After I told her it wasn’t a constant stream, she had me go into my birth box, get the amnicator, and insert it into my vagina to test if it was my membranes...
journey, I don't know how there is a single drop of moisture left in my body. I have been silently crying for like 12 hours straight. But by some miracle, I am still consistently leaking--and scaring the shit out of every single soul that has the misfortune of coming in contact with...
and she said that she could only go this far without feeling the baby’s head, indicating her first and second knuckle on her hand. Confused, I blurted out “Inside my cervix or my vagina?!?” and she laughed and said nooo inside your vagina the baby’s already coming through your ce...
Just Choose Some Baby Images To Find Out Dream like a child! BeingSara Mindy Kaling Announced She Just Welcomed Her Second Child In The Most Low-Key Way Didn't see this one coming! Marissa G. Muller Emma Roberts' Baby Shower Included A Vagina-Shaped Floral Arrangement And Mushroom-...
became quite knowledgeable about the subject. So knowledgeable I felt the need to tell his pregnant preschool teacher that he might talk to her about “pushing a baby out of her vagina.” Luckily, Duncan was taught that childbirth was like exercise so he would not add to the negative ...