然後他看見先到的人已經脫光衣服了,他看到一個5-6歲的男孩跟德軍說:「先生,我的褲子一定要脫嗎?」 然後德軍放了20隻狗去咬大家,15-16歲的女生大哭大叫,現場一片混亂,人群就往Babi Yar那邊的溝擠去。他到那裡時有聽到槍聲,可是他看到一幕畫面就先昏倒,讓他在被射殺之前就先摔進溝裡,因此才活下來。但他看...
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromBabi Yar Massacre) Encyclopedia Ba·bi Yar (bä′bē yär′, bä′byē) A ravine outside Kiev in north-central Ukraine where over 30,000 Jews were killed by German troops in 1941. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Ed...
(redirected from Babi Yar Massacre)Also found in: Dictionary. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Babi Yar a large ravine in the northern part of Kiev, between the suburbs of Luk’ianovka and Syrets. At the ...
People watch an art installation commemorating victims of the 1941 Babi Yar massacre close to a Babi Yar ravine, where the Nazi killed tens of thousands of Jews during WWII, in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021. Ukraine marked the 80th anniversary of the 1941 Babi Yar massacre. (AP P...
Chrystia Freeland
Israel marks 70 years since Babi Yar massacreARON HELLER
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Encyclopedia Wikipedia Ba·bi Yar (bä′bē yär′, bä′byē) A ravine outside Kiev in north-central Ukraine where over 30,000 Jews were killed by German troops in 1941. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Co...
Russian site of WWII German massacre of the Jews. [Russ. Hist.: Wigoder, 56] See:Anti-Semitism Babi Yar ravine near Kiev where Nazis slaughtered 10,000 Jews. [Russ. Hist.: Wigoder, 56] See:Genocide Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright ...
Massacre at Babi Yar remembered in Ukraine
Focus On Issues: Sixty years after Babi Yar massacre, focus has turned to Holocaust killingsEphross, Peter