Getting the following message when I try to run my dev-server: BabelLoaderError: SyntaxError: Missing class properties transform. I've installed the class-properties babel plugin as you can see, and I have incorporated it into my .babelrc file: .babelrc {"presets": ["es2015","stage-2"]...
综上所述,当yarn安装babel-loader后抛出错误的原因可能是配置问题或版本不兼容。通过检查webpack配置和babel-loader版本,并确保正确安装相关依赖,可以解决这个问题。请注意,以上是一般情况下的解决方案,具体解决方法可能因项目配置和具体错误信息而有所不同。相关搜索: 为什么android在多次构建后会显示错误的向量 np...
总得说来报这种Error: Can't resolve+模块名字的错误,一般就只有两种原因:一、少了这个包(直接安装:pnpm add -D 模块名字@版本),二、有这个包,但是版本在package.json中不正确。 需要和你的vue/cli-service的版本对应上,该降级的时候降级,降级一般先删除再安装新的 pnpm remove css-loader pnpm add -D css...
cnpm(npm) install babel-loader --save 安装此插件 再次运行webpack命令,这时会提示Error: Cannot find module ‘@babel/core’…you should install ‘babel-loader@7 根据提示,采用 代码语言:javascript 复制 cnpm install--save-dev babel-loader@7 安装“babel-loader@7” 再次运行webpack命令,这时会提示 所...
webpack之loaders例子(babel-loader) 这里讲解下loaders的例子 源码地址里面的lesson08,主要讲babel将ES6语法转化为ES5语法。 第一步 在空白的文件夹正确的安装webpack,这一步webpack入门指南已经讲过了。 然后创建源文件夹src,在src下面创建app.js,然后创建个目标文件夹...
camsongchanged the titleModule not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'babel-loader' in /Users/cam/***/src/js/indexMay 20, 2015 camsongclosed this ascompletedMay 20, 2015 camsongmentioned this issueMay 20, 2015 Question - how to resolve file paths of modules in node_modules correctly?ba...
When build, it throws below error. "Module parse failed: Private field '#key' must be declared in an enclosing class (13:9) File was processed with these loaders: ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders." ...
ERRORinloaderUsers/abc/node_modules/babel-core/index.js?{"presets":["react"]} didn't return a function webpack.config.js module.exports= {entry:'./src/main.js',output: {filename:'bundle.js',path: __dirname +'/dist'},module: {`enter code here`loaders: [ {test:/\.jsx...
babelOptionsis an object containing Babel configurationoptionsthat are passed to Babel's parser at runtime. For cases where users might not want to use a Babel configuration file or are running Babel through another tool (such as Webpack withbabel-loader). ...
import{extname}from'path';// ...babel({babelConfig:{babelrc:false,configFile:false,plugins:['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'],// uses the jsx loader for .jsx filesloader:path=>{if(extname(path)==='.jsx'){return'jsx';}},}}) ...