Baal 美[ˈbeəl] 英[ˈbeiəl] n.邪神;偶像;(古代腓尼基人等崇拜的)太阳神 网络巴尔;巴力;神巴力 复数:Baals复数:Baalim 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 邪神,神;偶像 2. (古代腓尼基人等崇拜的)太阳神,山神,丰产之神 释义: 全部,邪神,偶像,太阳神,巴尔,巴力,神巴力...
大小写变形:BAAL 词态变化 复数:Baalim; 实用场景例句 全部 Although the heroes defeatBaal, his demonic army continues to advance. 虽然Baal被打败, 但他的军团仍然继续在杀戮. 互联网 Baaland his army march on Mount Arreat. Baal和他的军团向Arreat山开进. ...
baalimof arrows indicated archers. Yet such fluidity in the use of the termbaaldid not prevent it from being attached to a god of distinct character. As such, Baal designated the universal god of fertility, and in thatcapacityhis title was Prince, Lord of the Earth. He was also called ...
The meaning of BAAL is any of numerous Canaanite and Phoenician local deities.
[巴尔 Baal] Baal是三大魔头中的老二,被称为“破坏之魔”。 很久以前Baal曾被Horadrim制服并封印于一块灵魂之石中,由于那块灵魂之石是残缺次品,Baal打碎了灵魂之石逃到地狱里去喘息了几十年。恢复了力量之后Baal又很寸地跑回人间,这次Horadrim只能拿着最大的一块凑合着战斗,Baal对这块伪劣产品胸有成竹,摆好姿...
BaalBaal: 添加到生词本 德汉-汉德词典 [der]主 。太 。邪 。丰饶 。 像。 版 权所有 用户正在搜索 Indiz,Indizes,Indizienbeweis,Indizierbohrung,Indiziereinrichtung,indizieren,Indiziergerät,Indizierkabel,Indizierleistung,Indiziermethode, ...
baal的中文解释是”巴力”,其中文解释还有”巴力”的意思,发音音标为[baal],在意大利语中以介词出现较多,在《意大利语翻译词典》中,共找到79个与baal相关的句子 Baal的释义1.巴力 例句:il Baal adorato sia dai moabiti che dai madianiti presso il monte Peor.翻译:摩押人和米甸人在琵珥山...
Baal: Directed by Alan Clarke. With David Bowie, Robert Austin, Jonathan Kent, Russell Wootton. Baal is a young amoral rebellious poetic genius who, after a short and eventful life of debauchery, betrayal and violence, is about to cut his ties to the wor
Baal英文名巴尔 发音: [ˈbeəl] 性别:男性 名字起源:圣经 Baal翻译成中文人名: 巴尔 Baal名字怎么读: Baal读 [ˈbeəl], 真人发音: Baal的中文名:巴尔 Baal英文名什么意思:主,主人 主,主人 BA'AL的拼写错误。 Baal情侣英文名: Busta 巴斯塔 、 Buster 巴斯特 、 Butler 巴特勒 、 Buttercup ...
baal 1 [bahl] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adverb ,Australian Slang. no; not. Baal 2 [bey-uhl,beyl] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,pluralBa·al·im[bey, -, uh, -lim, bey, -lim]. any of numerous local deities among the ancient Semitic peoples, typifying the productive forces of nature and...