Discover BA111OD, an innovative Neuchâtel-based independent Swiss watch brand in the heart of Switzerland's watch valley. #shakethesapin
Since 2019, the independent Neuchâtel-based brand BA111OD has been shaking up Swiss luxury watchmaking. With 250 years of watchmaking heritage, the Baillod
BA111OD has built its reputation around delivering more value for money in its watches than any other comparable Swiss manufacturer thanks to an innovative business model that turns its customers into advocates and influencers for the brand. The disruptive business is taking part in WatchPro Salo...
The BA111OD Community app allows you to be in direct contact with the brand and all its customers around the world. On this platform, you can see photos and comments from our authentic customers, you can meet them virtually or in real life thanks to our interactive map. You can also cha...
月牙五更14 东北民歌10 民歌12 月牙五更 · 目录 上一篇高音板胡《月牙五更》 独奏:张玥 伴奏:中国音乐学院小乐队下一篇《月牙五更》板胡独奏东北民歌 阅读原文喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 严洁敏:二胡演奏中呼吸的重要性 严洁敏:二胡演奏中呼吸的重要...
对于夫妻来讲,夫妻生活不仅能让彼此愉悦还能增强感情,但有些夫妻在性生活时会触犯禁忌,导致性生活快感被影响,也影响彼此感情。因此要了解清楚哪些是夫妻生活禁忌,在进行时要避免不管男女。 夫妻生活要注意哪些禁忌? 一、头发不干就直接上床 大部分女性在睡前洗澡是...
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