Key findings from the review of literature published between 2000 and 2015 include: a small proportion of young people view violent pornography or online child abuse images; the likelihood of viewing indecent images of children (IIOC) appears to increase with the frequency in which young people vi...
The axial preference of the oxide in thiane 1-oxide and of the imide in thiane 1-(N-tosyl)imide is reversed in the presence of a 3,3-dimethyl group, because of the syn-axial interaction. In protonated 3,3-dimethylthiane, however, the 1 proton persists in the axial position, despite ...
Many public utilities offer a choice between time-of-use and flat rates. Two points are established: (1) optional TOU (time-of-use) schedules exist that Pareto dominate both mandatory flat and mandatory TOU rates; but, (2) optional TOU prices based on marginal costs can be welfare-decreasin...
A theoretical discussion is presented of the influence of pupil size on visual resolution of an eye. Since the contrast-transfer function of the eye has a cut-off spatial frequency that is a function of the pupil diameter, even an aberration-free eye in perfect focus has a resolution limit....
ShowYoung秀漾智能提拉紧肤仪S350 智能手机(App检测)红光嫩肤抗皱光头 洁面乳、精华 蓝光祛痘净肤光头 基础功能 1 首先保证仪器是否充满电。S350使用USB接口充电,有配数据线,与安卓通用。“on/off” 键是开关,长按3秒就能开机或关机。打开后美容仪会发出“滴、滴”声,提示仪器正在正常运作。2 “power”键是档...
1.普通硅酸盐水泥:适合用于一般的倒板施工,比较常用,价格较低,适用于住宅、商业楼等不需要特别高要求的地面。 2.高性能混凝土专用水泥:适用于高要求的商业、工业建筑的地面,防水、耐久性强,价格较高。 3.超高性能混凝土专用水泥:适用于高速公路、机场、码头等对地面要求极高的场所,高强度、高耐久性、高抗渗性,价...
丽水市中医药学会针灸推拿分会委员,丽水市物理学和康复学委员。从事于针灸,推拿,康复临床工作35年,擅长利用小针刀,针灸推拿正骨等技术治疗颈肩腰腿痛及中药,埋线等多种中医适宜技术调理亚健康及多种内科杂病,中风,偏瘫,眩晕的康复治疗。 姓名:虞雅云 科...