Identified by SEM, sequencing of ITS region of nuclear rDNA and phylogenetic analysis. Yuan et al., 2009 Cremastra appendiculata, Pleione bulbocodioides, Pleione yunnanensis Ceratorhiza sp., Epulorhiza sp., Monilioposis sp. were isolated from Cremastra appendiculata, Ceratorhiza sp., Epulorhiza...
we have been witnessing the rapid emergence and turnover of multiple variants of concerns (VOCs) such as Alpha (B.1.1.7) initially found in the United Kingdom; Beta (B.1.351) in South Africa; Gamma (P.1) in Brazil; Delta (B.1.617.2) in India; and Omicron subvariants in ...
At the end, some practical implications are offered for EFL students and teachers.Khorsand, MohammadModarresi, GhasemJournal of Language & Translation Studies (JLTS)
Raman spectroscopy produced a result consistent with the above finding. Namely, for all films with a thickness below 9 u.c., the Raman response of the BaBiO3 has vanished completely. If the breathing mode is responsible for the insulating character of BaBiO3, the observed structural phase ...
When compared to the D calculated from SEM and XRD, it is observed that the DSEM is higher than that of DXRD. It implies that the grains are formed by several crystallites due to internal stresses or defects in the structure. The agglomeration degree, indicating the average number of ...
3.2 Morphological studies: FESEM D = Kλ βcosθ , (1) Where 'K' is a constant, 'β' is full-width half maximum, 'λ' is the wavelength of the source, and 'θ' is the angle. The average crystallite size decreases slightly with La doping for batch 'A,' whereas it ...
sem þú baðst um.", "badaccess-groups": "Aðgerðin sem þú reyndir að framkvæma er takmörkuð notendum í {{PLURAL:$2|hópnum|einum af hópunum}}: $1.", "versionrequired": "Þarfnast úgáfu $1 af MediaWiki", "versionrequiredtext": "Útg...
SEM observation showed that platy agglomerates preferred the orientation of the 00l plane, and the particle size was reduced by up to 1/10 on the addition of Zr. The solid solution showed a metallic conductivity with a temperature independent magnetic susceptibility. Substitution of Zr for Nb ...
Data represent mean ± SEM. Statistical significance in (a–d) was determined with one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. NS is not statistically significant. Source data are provided...
"Database arrestato", "enterlockreason": "Miette 'o mutivo 'e blocco, nzieme a 'o mumento quanno se penza ca 'o blocco se sarrà fernuto", "readonlytext": "Mo mmo 'o database s'è arrestato pe n'operazione semprice 'e manutenzione e nun se ponno azzeccà cagnamiente...