While her father works for Mahindra and Mahindra and was the sole earner in the family, Shreya has now joined Mialtus Broking Agency in December '20 and draws a salary of INR 10,000 per month to support the family income. Given the pandemic, she faced challenges looking for a job a...
salary 薪水; satisfaction 满足; scene 场景; scenery 风景; scientific 科学的; secretly 秘密地; secretary 秘书; seldom 很少; senior 高 级的,年长的; sense 感觉,辨别力; serious 严肃的,严峻的; service 服务; separate 分离, 单独的; shape 形状, 制作; share 分享, 份额; sheet 被单; sh...
(饭菜) serve 传统,惯例 tradition 参与,参加 take part in 粘的,粘性的 sticky 酒,酒精 alcohol 火锅 hot pot 小吃,快餐 snack 接待,招待会 reception 退休 retire 薪水 salary 申请,应用 apply 请求,申请 apply for 机会 opportunity (13-19 岁之间的) 青少年 teenager 根据,依据 depend on 潇洒地,漂亮地 ...
周二| 世界最大规模:数以千计的英国打工人试行四天工作制 More than 3,300 workers at 70 UK companies, ranging from a local chippy to large financial firms, start working a four-day week with no loss of pay in the world’s...
Before confirming the level of a future salary threshold we will want to engage extensively with businesses andemployers, consider wider evidence of the impact on the economy, and take into account current pay levels in ...
21. We might be inclined to attribute to the act of thinking complete from language if the individual formed or were able to form his concepts without the verbal guidance of his environment. Yet most ...
could have made a good salary. 6. to have no access 7. to students' being late for 8. ranges/varies from 50 cents to $4 9. to reserve a table for 10. to make trouble 11. at intervals 12. injure himself 13. busy preparing for 14. had to be operated manually 15. needn't have...
“In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago,” Barbara Hagerty writes in her new boo k, Life Reimagined. The vast bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or...
安徽省高等职业院校分类考试招生 文化素质测试考试纲要 本纲要是依据教育部颁发的《普通高中课程标准(实验)》和《中等职业学校教学大纲》的基本内容和要求,结合我省全日 制普通高中和中等职业学校教学实际制定. 考试性质 高等职业院校分类考试招生文化素质测试是具有我省高考 (含对口招生考试)报名资格的应历届普通高中...
C) Earning a competitive salary. D) Working for supportive bosses. 2. A) 31%. B) 20%. C) 25%. D) 73%. 3. A) Those of a small size. B) Those run by women. C) Those that are well managed. D) Those full of skilled workers. ...