Name the following ionic compound: Ca(NO3)2 Give the name of the ionic compound Na2O. Give the name of the compound Cl2O. Name the ionic compound for CaI_2. Name the following compound: CrI3 6H2O Name the ionic compound for CuS. Name the ionic compound for CrN. Name the ionic compoun...
Question: Ba(NO3)2 Salts: Salt is an ionic compound that is made of a cation and an anion. The positively charged ion is known as a cation and the negatively charged ion is known as an anion. We can determine the nature of a specific salt on the basis of ions for...
1.IonicBond•Gainingorlosingelectrons•UsuallyformedbybondingbetweenMETALandNONMETAL•Forceofattractionbetweentheoppositechargesoftheions2.CovalentBond•Sharingelectrons•2NONMETALS 7 DiatomicMolecules •Covalentbonds•Moleculethathas2atomsofthesameelement•H2,N2,O2,F2Cl2,Br2,I2,At2 Electronegativity...
现场稽核的要点有哪些?技巧(读-听-问-跟进-适当加压-要求提供证据)安全性药理学主要是研究药物在治疗范围内或治疗范围以上的剂量时,对生理功能的影响。( )
What is the name of the compound Ba(NO3)2? Is it an insoluble, moderately soluble, or very soluble salt? Which of the following ionic compounds is predicted by the solubility rules to be soluble in water? a. AgCl b. CaSO4 c....