can we do BA + LLB course by giving CUET exam in DU. if yes, then which of the 5 subjects we should choose in cuet? what is the criteria for domain subjects for ba llb in cuet Hello, Delhi University (DU) offers five-year integrated law programs: B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) and B....
The SARS-CoV-2 spike structure (PDB 6ZGE) used for showing epitope footprints was downloaded from the PDB. Epitope residues were identified using PISA36 with default parameters, and the RBD residues with non-zero buried accessible surface area were considered epitope residues. For each residue wit...
The amount of Fe2As was estimated to be ~3.7% from the cross-section area of the SEM images. The black regions correspond to voids or cracks with the sizes of a few micrometers. Such voids/cracks have been considered as one of the main limiting factors of Jc. The blight rod-like ...
It is thought that this decrease is a result of the chemical pressure induced in the Mn octahedral as a consequence of the change in lattice parameters [25]. This decrease may also be attributed to the electronic configuration of Bi3+ ions that are identified by their 6s2 electrons which ...
print(type(result)) print(result) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 运行结果: <class 'urllib.parse.ParseResult'> ParseResult(scheme='https', netloc='', path='/sem/tbsearch', params='', query='refpid=mm_26632258_3504122_32538762&clk1=013680b42953fda7c0a81e95a5a7cead&keyword=&page=...
6(a). This makes BaBiO3 a topologically insulating material with the largest bulk band gap known so far, which is also stable against the oxidation effects [69]. This is a very promising result. When calculating the band structure for a monoclinic crystal phase (see Fig. 6(b)), the ...
The XRD, SEM-EDS, and TEM results showcase the successful integration of multi-component cations into the A site, yielding a single-phase material. The intrinsic thermal conductivity of this material is relatively low, measuring 0.78 W<middle dot>m(-1)<middle dot>K-1 at 323 K, thereby ...
doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.03.003David K. DobeshAhmed GadelmawlaHidetoshi MiyazakiManuel HintersteinKoji KimuraJuliana G. MaierSemanti BanerjeeOmar ZeairSharly C. MehtaLucas Lemos da SilvaJournal of the european ceramic society
The fold change was normalized to the mean luciferase readout of cells treated with DMSO for each variant (n = 6). The n number represents biological repeats. Data represent mean ± SEM. Statistical significance in (a–d) was determined with one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s ...
"Nsesa abakɔsem bia nni hɔ ma saa kratafa yi.", "currentrev-asof": "Nkyerɛmu a ɛba yɛ nkyɛe abiri $1", "revisionasof": "Nsesamu berɛ $1", "previousrevision": "Nkyerɛ mu a atwamu", "nextrevision": "Nkyerɛ mu a ɛba", "currentrevisionl...