Andhra University UG BSC, BA 1st year 2 Semester March 2019 Exam Results HallTicket Disclaimer : is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on NET. The results published on net are for the immediate...
olefvieslos.thWeritmha2l0m%adgonpetinizga,tiToCninmceraesausersemtoen70ts K. FaonrdxT ≥f i 0 n.c0r7e5a,secsletaor 35 K. In Fig. 3(d), we present the results hysteresis loops have been observed at 2 K. The coercive field becomes lager for higher x, and ...
2 SEM pictures of (a–b) Y2Ba3Cu5.2Ox , (c–d) YBa4Cu5Ox , and (e–f) Y2Ba5Cu9Ox for different magnifications cently found Y3Ba5Cu8O18 phase (∼100 K). The electri- cal resistivity curves show that for temperatures higher than T c(on), samples show a metal-like ...
Morphological studies using FESEM show larger grains for samples sintered at 1300˚C. Dielectric studies using impedance analyzer show Maxwell- Wagner polarisa- tion for all the samples. It also indicates non-Debye relax- ation in dielectric loss spectra, which could be fitted using the HN ...
It is noteworthy that the reversible capacity of TiO2@Fe2O3 microsphere anode material at the 200th cycle increased by 49.62% compared with the 2nd cycle, which is significantly higher than that of TiO2 by 26.81%. The reason may be that MMaatteerriiaallss 22002233,, 1166,, x1...
For this purpose, we use a 2nd SetFit model and train it in a similar fashion to the aspect extraction model as illustrated in the following example: Training sentence: "Waiters aren't friendly but the cream pasta is out of this world." Tokenized: [Waiters, are, n't, fr...
For this purpose, we use a 2nd SetFit model and train it in a similar fashion to the aspect extraction model as illustrated in the following example: Training sentence: "Waiters aren't friendly but the cream pasta is out of this world." Tokenized: [Waiters, are, n't, friendly, but...
The dolomites in the well Xike-1drilled in Xisha Islands,South China Sea,are mainly found in the Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation and secondly found in the 2nd member of Pliocene Yinggehai Formation and in the Middle Miocene Meishan Formation.The major dolomite layers commonly develop below the ...
Do not subject the batteries to extreme low temperature conditions that may result in overheating and thermal runaway. Do not dismantle, open, or shred secondary batteries. In the event of a secondary battery leaking, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If ...
1st year or 2nd year examination from other Universities in India may be allowed to migrate to this University subject to the condition that he shall have to clear the deficient subject but the total number of credits required to be earned shall remain the same. (ii) STRUCTURAL OUTLINE OF ...