林剑:中方对美国通过施压胁迫的手段抹黑破坏共建“一带一路”合作的行径表示坚决反对,对巴方表示不再续签谅解备忘录深表遗憾。 Lin Jian: China firmly opposes the U.S. smear and sabotage of Belt and Road cooperation through the means of p...
十三、下雨天路面湿滑,骑电动车要小心慢行 When the road is wet on rainy days, take care to drive slowly on an electric bike. 十四、走路时,一定要集中注意力,要随时观察路面情况,注意过往车辆,不要戴耳机听音乐、看手机、玩游戏机。 When walking, be sure to pay...
全季酒店(天津珠江道店) Ji Hotel (Tianjin Zhujiang Road) 全季酒店成立于2010年,隶属华住集团,中国领先的中档酒店品牌。目前已覆盖中国31个省级行政区,开业已超过1100家。 天津泰达国际会馆 - 商务双床房 天津花甜美宿 - 两室一厅 天津艾丽华服务公寓 - 酒店附近 如家酒店(天津滨海新区二大街万丽会议中心店...
We took our family vacations by car, and I was obnoxious, reading aloud every item along the road: billboards, Burma Shave signs, Welcome! signs for towns, Coca-Cola bottles, the sides of barns. I read from restaurant menus, gum wrappers, cocktail napkins, medicine... 展开 ...
英文名Inner Mongolia Longzhiyuan Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd.(自动翻译更新) 注册地址内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市东胜区新奥路8号附22号奥林花园A区东门底商(邮编017000)附近企业 经营范围建设工程设计;建设工程施工;公路工程监理;建设工程监理;路基路面养护作业;园林绿化工程施工;土石方工程施工;房屋拆迁服务;承接...
英文名Ganzi Prefecture Tianlu Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd.(自动翻译) 注册地址四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市炉城镇向阳街61号(邮编626000)附近企业 经营范围公路工程施工总承包贰级:可承担单项合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的一级标准及以下公路、单跨跨度小于100米的桥梁、长度小于1000米的隧道工程的施工...
go along the road ( ) and you will see a large house.A.by the endB.at the endC.in the endD.to the end
Based on this pressure, what they see in the media, and what they hear from friends and acquaintances, road users estimate what the chance is of being caught breaking the law: the 'subjective chance' (of being caught). If road ... C Goldenbeld - Verkeershandhaving in Nederland: inventari...
英文名Dafeng East Road Travel Agency Co., Ltd.(自动翻译) 注册地址大丰市区黄海路43号(邮编224100)附近企业 经营范围国内旅游、入境旅游服务;会议及展览服务;机票票务代理;景区门票票务服务;汽车租赁;日用品、工艺品销售;艺术培训。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) ...