There was a tractor and a good car in the yard. The children were educated and working, and Tony didn't owe a cent. 我让公司的人去他家看看,确保各项事宜都得到妥善安置。他们看到农场上长着绿油油的蔬菜,小屋布置得舒适温馨,院子里有—辆拖拉机,还 self-control, optimism, self- respect and, ...
C cable TV 有线电视 Cadillac 凯迪拉克 Campbell's Soup 金宝汤业公司 capital gains 资本收益 capital invested in product 产品投入资本 Carnival 嘉年华 cash cows 现金牛类 cash discounts 现金折扣 catalogue sales 目录销售 categorization of perception 感知分类 categorization 分门别类 Caterpillar Tractor 卡特...
C.Because his tractor brought him into it. 19.What did Fred think of the pig? 2 A.Helpful. B.Common. C.Unlucky. 20.Why did the pig lose one of its legs? A.The wolf tore the leg up. B. The leg got burnt in a fire. C.The farmer ate the leg. 第二部分阅读理解(...
[nav 嫌疑] 呼吸 spectator【观众】 即 perspective【视角,态度;透视画法】【per 贯穿】 breathe prospect/prospective【n 前景,预期 a 预期的】【pro 欢迎下载 - tractor【拖拉机】 attract/attractive/attraction distract【v 使分心】 contract【n 合同 v 签合同,缩小】 contractor【订约人,承包人,收缩】 ...
EXPLANATION OF TEST REPORT GENERAL CONDITIONS East tractor is a production model equipped for common usage. Power consuming accessories can be disconnected only when it is convenient for the operator to do so in practice. Additional weight can be added as ballast if the manufacturer regularly supplie...
物流术语 基础术语 物品goods 物流logistics 物流活动logisticsactivity 物流管理logisticsmanagement 供应链supplychain 供应链管理supplychainmanagement 服务service 物流服务logisticsservice 一体化物流服务integratedlogisticsservice 物流系统logisticssystem 第三方物流thethirdpartylogistics 物流设施logisticsestablishment 物流中心...
NXP - I.MX应用处理器概览 I.MX 应用处理器概览 EXTERNAL USE
and 如果董事不知道或者不应当知道关联交易的存在,那么其不应被视为实施了关 联交易; Notificationof interests (c) butprovidedthatthegeneralnoticeshallonlyhaveeffectinrelationtoanycon tractorarrangementunlessitisgivenbeforethedateonwhichthequestionofen teringintothecontractorarrangementisfirsttakenintoconsiderationon...