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Ethiopian Airlines (ET, Addis Ababa International) continues to grow its dedicated freighter fleet after closing a deal with Titan Aviation Holdings to lease three B767-300ER(BCF)s. The first of the three planes is due to arrive later this month, the second later this year, and the third ...
Cargojet’s state of the art fleet of B767-300ER freighters are capable of carrying a structural payload of up to 127,000 lbs utilizing 24 upper deck positions, containerized and 15 lower deck containerized positions with a loose load bulk cargo hold compartment. Cargojet is the only Canad...
北京时间2015年12月18日下午,顺丰航空首架B767-300 BCF(Boeing Converted Freighter,即由波音改装的货机)在新加坡正式交付,顺丰速运(“顺丰速运有限公司”简称)成为国内第一家拥有B767-300型宽体全货机的快递公司。 顺丰航空隶属于顺丰速运, 是顺丰速运品牌的有力延伸,更是其快件空运的核心竞争力所在。为了与顺丰速运...
The coating of the centre-wing tank structure, if poorly applied, can flake off and block fuel filters, preventing fuel from reaching the engines, according to a report in The Air Current. The report notes that the supplier for the 767-300F’s centre wing tanks had switched from Pennsylvani...
北京时间2015年12月18日下午,顺丰航空首架B767-300 BCF(BoeingConverted Freighter,即由波音改装的货机)在新加坡正式交付,顺丰速运(“顺丰速运有限公司”简称)成为国内第一家拥有B767-300型宽体全货机的快 递公司。 顺丰航空隶属于顺丰速运, 是顺丰速运品牌的有力延伸,更是其快件空运的核心竞争力所在。为了与顺丰速运...
新年脚步还未走远,刚刚跨过第六个安全年的顺丰航空(“顺丰航空有限公司”简称),在深圳家门口迎来了已于去年年底在新加坡交付的首架B767-300BCF(Boeing Converted Freighter,即由波音改装的货机),正式踏入运营宽体全货机的新征程。 2016年1月11日14时08分,一架带着顺丰航空标志涂装的B767-300全货机平稳降落深圳宝安...
新年脚步还未走远,刚刚跨过第六个安全年的顺丰航空,在深圳家门口迎来了已于去年年底在新加坡交付的首架B767-300BCF(Boeing Converted Freighter,即由波音改装的货机),正式踏入运营宽体全货机的新征程。 2016年1月11日14时08分,一架带着顺丰航空标志涂装的B767-300...
The article reports on the second B767-300ER conversion launched by Wagner Aeronautical whose passenger-to-freighter conversion program launch in 2011 will be marked by a single customer order for ten conversions. It notes the anticipated decline in acquisition prices as feedstock B767 values fall ...
The values of the B767-300ER continue to experience higher than expected levels partly because of the demand for freighter conversion, the cost of replacement aircraft and the comparatively low price of fuel. American, Delta and United are all still large operators of the type but this should ...