技嘉B760M POWER DDR4参数页面提供真实的技嘉B760M POWER DDR4配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解技嘉B760M POWER DDR4。
Built for creators, the ProArt B760-Creator D4 features 12+1 power stages (50A), PCIe® 5.0, DDR4 support, Thunderbolt™ header, 2.5 Gb & 1 Gb LAN, and three PCIe 4.0 M.2
当然除了外观,在内部设计上,为了更好地支持第13代酷睿处理器,这款主板也拥有豪华的做工设计,它采用了庞大的12+1相处理器供电设计,每相供电电路采用一颗可承载60A电流的Power Stage一体式MOSFET,意味着其总计12相处理器核心供电电路理论上最高可支持720A的电流,足以保证任一款第十三代酷睿处理器的正常工作。同时主板还...
ProArt B760-Creator D4 is an enhanced motherboard designed for content creation workloads like virtual production, 3D rendering and 4K/8K video editing. It unleashes the performance of 13th & 12th Gen Intel®Core™ processors through robust power delivery and cooling design, and its comprehensi...
1)开机按住delete键或F2进入BIOS 2)进入高级模式 进入高级模式 3)选择“高级”,单击“高级电源管理(APM)”选项 4)将“ErP支持”后面的选项改为“Disabled” 5)在“高级”界面单击“内置设备” 6)将“USB power delivery in Soft off state(s5)”后面的选项改为“Disabled” ...
在本次对B760主板的测试中,我们采用了一款采用Micro-ATX小板板型,来自ROG的ROG STRIX B760-G GAMING WIFI D4主板,简称ROG B760小吹雪D4。与之前的吹雪主板类似,它采用了银白色散热装甲与黑色PCB的撞色设计,主板的I/O盔甲部分采用了类似8位游戏风格似的STRIX字母与点阵式的ROG LOGO,再加上各个散热片上颇有冲...
Go big and stay compact. The ROG Strix B760-G D4 pairs perfectly with the Prime AP201 and the latest crop of compact chassis driving the m-ATX renaissance. Stout heatsinks and amped power delivery ensure ample headroom to propel Intel®14thGen Core processors, while a PCIe 5.0 SafeSlot...
I used an Asus rog strix b760 g gaming WiFi D4 motherboard, Asus TUF Gaming rtx 4070 ti gpu, Asus rog loki 850w power supply, Asus rog ryou 3 heatsink and Asus prime case ap201. play ASUS products used for build play The peculiarity of the board is in the color scheme - ...
可能英特尔意识到这样会影响他高端处理器销量,就放出“104微码”让板厂解锁CPU降压,实测降压后能降低100W左右的功耗,温度也暴降20℃左右▲首先在Advanced菜单找到CPU Advanced Power Management回车进入,然后找到Microcode 104选项并选择Enabled;▲然后在OverClocking菜单找到IA CEP Enable选项并选择Disabled,这样就能进行...
我们使用了DARK POWER PRO 13 1500这款额定功率为1500W的80Plus钛金电源,该电源支持6路12V输出,其中12V1-12V4均为35A,12V5-12V6均为40A,且支持超频功能可将12V整合为单路输出,能够为系统提供更加纯净,充足的供电性能。此外,这是目前唯一一款支持双路ATX 3.0显卡供电接口的1500W钛金级电源。