9. 速度按钮(SPEED) 10. IAS/MACH 显示窗 11. IAS/MACH 调节旋钮 12. 速度干预按钮(SPD INTV) 13. 俯仰模式垂直导航按钮(VNAV) 14. 高度层变动模式按钮(LVL CHG) //如果高度(ALT)没有改变则该模式不动作. 15. 航向显示窗 16. 航向调节旋钮(HEADING) ...
Maximum effective payload: 112.7 metric tons;Maximum range: 9,200 kilometers/4,970 sea miles;Cruising speed: 901 kilometers/hour Figure 1: B747-400ERF At the end of 2015, SF Airlines became the first to introduce B767-300BCF Long-range Wide-body All-cargo Aircraft in China. As of toda...
Speed STA Station V STAB Stabilizer VA Design Maneuvering STAT Status Speed STBY Standby VHF Very High Frequency STD Standard VMO Maximum Operating SYNC Synchronous Speed SYS System VNAV Vertical Navigation VOR VHF Omnidirectional T Range T or TRU True VR Rotation Speed T or TK or Track VREF ...
During the flight the aircraft reached a cruising altitude of 19,000ft and a speed of 250kts. Boeing says that the aircraft will now be involved in a flight test program which is currently scheduled to finish in the fourth quarter of the year. First delivery is expected to take place ...
惠公司的4056型)Passenger capacity 347 (客座数347人)Range in miles 7,583 (航程7583英里)Range in kilometers 12,209 (航程12209公里)Cruising speed (mph) 560 (巡航速度560英里/小时)Cruising speed (kph) 902 (巡航速度902公里/小时)Payload capacity (lbs) (业载)Maximum Speed ...
MICROCHIP/微芯 电机驱动器及控制器 USB2514B-I/M2 USB 接口集成电路 4-Port USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Hub Cont 微芯品牌 深圳市凯翔微科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥0.26/个 北京 SN75LBC176DR 集成电路处理器微控制器 TI/德州仪器 封装SOP-8 表面贴装型 德州仪器品牌 深圳市恒诚威科技有限公司 3年 查看详情...
speed,smallairplanepilots.Itisbasedon mathematicalcalculationstoplotacourseusingthe elementsofacourseline,airspeed,course,heading andelapsedtime.Duringthisprocesspilotsmakeuse ofaflightcomputer.Manualorelectronicflight computersareusedtocalculatetime-speed-distance ...
converted -400Fs seemedset to continue to improve but with the re-opening of international borders andthe reintroduction of underfloor capacity on passenger aircraft, there was alwaysexpected to be drop in demand for dedicated freighters.The primary benefits of air cargo are speed and reliability. ...
#40 第 30 节-EICAS 信息 飞行操纵 EICAS 信息 9.30.2 -SPEEDBRAKE ARMED 减速板预位:增加了 EICAS 备忘 信息以反映 IDS 504 软件的编入。 第 10 章-飞行仪表,显示 第 10 节-控制和指示 姿态指示 10.10.7 -进行了修订,以反映LCD 构型。 仪表着陆系统指示 10.10.15 -增加了标志颜色以反映飞机构型。 第...
Max.cruisingspeed:570mph Max.Flughöhe:13.700m Max.cruisingaltitude:45,000ft Reichweite/Range:12.200km/7,564miles Triebwerke/Engines:4xGeneralElectric CF6-80C2 ACHK 81 82 83 84 F FirstClass16Sitze/Seats Bordküche/Galley Toiletten/Lavatory ...