#2028b5 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #2028b5 is a shade of blue. In the RGB color model #2028b5 is composed of 12.55% red, 15.69% green and 70.98% blue. In the HSL color space #2028b5 has a hue of 237° (degrees), 70% saturation and 42% lightness. This color has...
#6f10b5 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #6f10b5 is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #6f10b5 is composed of 43.53% red, 6.27% green and 70.98% blue. In the HSL color space #6f10b5 has a hue of 275° (degrees), 84% saturation and 39% ...
This page lists many detailed information about the hex color #EDDAB5. Its Hexadecimal code is EDDAB5. In a RGB color space, which is consist of 92.94% red, 85.49% green and 70.98% blue, and that corresponding RGB values are 237, 218, 181. In a CMYK color space, it is consist of...
There are 17 colour combinations with hex code #0F3B5F. #0F3B5F Color Codes Color ImagesColor CodesTags Hex: #0F3B5F RGB: 15, 59, 95 CMYK: 84.2, 37.9, 0, 62.7 HSV: 207, 84, 37 0F3B5F blue downriver midnight blue ...
codeof=itemgetter(0) descriptionof=itemgetter(1) node_line=re.compile(r"^\s*\\node", re.U) node_line_pgf=re.compile(r"^\s*\\draw\s*\(.*?\)\s*node\s*\{.+?\};$", re.U) repl_id=re.compile(r"(?<=\{)'?(ID (\d+))(\$\\backslash\$nID (\d+))*'?(?=\};$)"...
│ │ ├── Blue-punch-card-front-horiz.png │ │ ├── 二进制加密解密法.txt │ │ ├── 倒叙加密解密.txt │ │ ├── 凯撒密码加密.jpg │ │ ├── 培根密码.jpg │ │ ├── 字母表顺序加密法和反字母表加密法和小键盘加密法.jpg ...
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #144098 hex color code.
Hex code#e4b5ff Uppercase hex#E4B5FF Web-safe hex#ccccffRGBrgb(228,181,255) RGB %rgb(89.4%,71%,100%) HSL %hsl(278.1,100%,85.5%)#e4b5ff color details and conversionThe hexadecimal triplet #e4b5ff definition is: Red = 228, Green = 181, Blue = 255 or CMYK: Cyan = ...
IEC 309 360P6W Plug, 60A, 250V, 2P/3W, Blue - Cooper # AH360P6W IEC 309 363B6W Inlet, 63A, 220-240V, 2P/3W, Blue - Cooper # AH363B6W IEC 309 363C6W Connector, 63A, 220-240V, 2P/3W, Blue - Cooper # AH363C6W IEC 309 363P6W Plug, 63A, 220-240V, 2P/3W, Blue - Coope...
V-tec FOCUS BLOCK BLUE, Course.DOLD BD5987.02 DC24V,0037332Phoenix 1432460Norgren 860120PVL Ltd PSM 100 R18 10/100 250Vac 6(2)A V0715Ecembre BF-M5hydac ELEMENTSATZ KS100-4-N NR.1345498WALTER PNEUMATIK V60A513A-A213JKUEBLER 8.5823.3842.1024...