The History of the Hero: Boucheron's Question Mark History of the Hero: Christian Louboutin's So Kate History of the Hero: Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream The History of the Hero: Louis Vuitton Neverfull History of the Hero: The Balenciaga City bag ...
Immediate repair for redness, stinging, dryness, and improvement of post-beauty treatment discomfort 💫 Dermatologists in France have devoted themselves to research, selecting formulas for exceptional care 🌿 High-energy Vitamin B5 (Panthenol) accelerates barrier repair 💪 Centella asiatica extract de...
Immediate repair for redness, stinging, dryness, and improvement of post-beauty treatment discomfort 💫 Dermatologists in France have devoted themselves to research, selecting formulas for exceptional care 🌿 High-energy Vitamin B5 (Panthenol) accelerates barrier repair 💪 Centella asiatica extract de...
Please,canyoutellme…? Ilookforwardtoseeingyou. Sampledialogue S1:Goodafternoon.ThisisthesecretarytoW angXinjie,starofstageandscreen.CanIh elpyou? S2:Isitpossibletomakeanappointmenttoint erviewWangXinjie? S1:Whichorganizationareyou? S2:“Lookbright”beautyproducts.Wewo uldliketoarrangeforWangXinji...
ByElizabethWongTheStruggletoBeanAll-AmerDiscussionofParagraph1Whydoyouthinktheschoolwasnewlypainted? AstheChineseschoolisratherold,itsoutsidemusthavebeendiscoloredanddirty.Tomakeitlookattractive,theschoolwasnewlypaintedasakindofface-lift. DiscussionofParagraph1Whyd2.Whatdoestheexistenceoftheoldschoolimply? TheCh...
一般的用法,beauty是抽象名词、不可数。上句中的 arealbeauty 意思是「一个大佳人」,指的是个具体、有形的「人」,那就是可数名词。(3)动名词大多半的动名词(Ving)代表「动作」或「事情」,都是不可数名词、能够采用零冠词。比如: Smokingisharmfultohealth. 动名词smoking意思是「抽烟」这件事,属于不...
出席,到场,参加 attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听报告/上学 attend on/upon sb. 伺候某人;照顾某人 attend to sb/sth 注意,专心于;照料,照顾 3 [即学即练 2] (1)He didn’t ___ yesterday.他昨天没有参加会议。 (2)___your studies. 专心你的学习。 3. expose vt. 暴露,揭露;使...
The beauty of the city ___ its magnificent buildings. 3). His actions ___ his words. In other words, he is not a reliable man. 2. How long doesit take to flyfromBeijingtoLondonHeathrowAirport? 复习take/cost/pay/spend作为花费的用法 3. People may wonder why different wordsare used to...
(Lunar September 9) Day for Respecting the Aged Ascending a height Enjoying the beauty of chrysanthemum,Wear special clothes Eat special food Give and receive gifts Have a holiday from school Take part in a traditional ceremony Dance and listen to music Enjoy yourself with friends or family,What...
•Beautyliesintheeyesofthebeholder.•情人眼里出西施。•准备好:典题本、必修5课本,练习本,红笔,导学案 TheAttachedHighSchooltoNankaiUniversity BritishandAmericanEnglish TheAttachedHighSchooltoNankaiUniversity 课标要求:1.通过学习英语了解世界文化,培养世界意识2.有较强的祖国意识和国际视野。•1.Toskim...