| bio-x | bioxcell | biozol | biozyme | Blacks Machine Co | Blazer Products | bma biomedical | bma biomedicals | boehringer mannheim | Boekel Industries Inc. | boekel scientific | Boise Office Solutions | Boscom Incorporated | boster immunoleader | boston biochem | bovogen | BP | bps biosc...
Exon 1 of the b5R gene is very GC-rich and was therefore amplified with the following adaptations: 0.45 μL MgCl225 mM, 0.6 μL 7-deaza-dNTP solution 75% (3.75 mM 7deaza-dGTP, 1.25 mM dGTP, 5 mM dATP, 5 mM dCTP, 5 mM dTTP; Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) and addition ...
| bio-x | bioxcell | biozol | biozyme | Blacks Machine Co | Blazer Products | bma biomedical | bma biomedicals | boehringer mannheim | Boekel Industries Inc. | boekel scientific | Boise Office Solutions | Boscom Incorporated | boster immunoleader | boston biochem | bovogen | BP | bps biosc...
L-Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) was procured from Roche Molecular Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany). Lysozyme, α-lactalbumin, insulin, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), dithiothreitol (DTT), and 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) ammonium salt were from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). ...
Mannheim, Kyla x Einziart Gallery, Germany (艺术家过往作品) CITY CULTURE AND ARTS FESTIVAL OF YULIN 斯特李(东兴) 青年艺术家 斯特李,2013~2017就读于广西艺术学院。 参展经历:2023.7 北京瀚艺术空间 《普鲁斯特时刻——给所有昨日》群展 斯特李的...
(Fitchburg, WI, USA), and Boehringer Mannheim (Ingelheim, Germany). Marathon-Ready™ human liver cDNA was obtained from Clontech (Mountain View, CA, USA). The vectors pACYC184 and pTrcHis B were obtained from New England Biolabs (Ipswich, MA, USA) and Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA), ...
For protein load control, the membranes were reprobed with actin mouse mAb, clone C4 (Boehringer Mannheim Corp., Indianapolis, IN) at 0.25 μg/ml, and developed as above. Absorption studies We also included absorption studies with porcine ovarian homogenates. Primary antibody (100 μg) in 2 ...
最靠近住宿的火車、地鐵或巴士站是Mannheim火車站,距離魏格納酒店244.23米。 什麼時間可於魏格納酒店辦理入住和退房? 最早入住時間是02:00 PM,而最遲退房時間是11:00 AM。你可於預訂時要求提早辦理入住或延遲退房,但是否可行將視乎空房情況而定。於指定時段以外辦理入住或退房可能需額外付費。 最靠近魏格納酒店的機場...
1948/49年曼海姆(VfR Mannheim) 1949/50年斯图加特 1950/51年凯泽斯劳滕 1951/52年斯图加特 1952/53年凯泽斯劳滕 1953/54年汉诺威96 1954/55年红白埃森 1955/56年多特蒙德 1956/57年多特蒙德 1957/58年沙尔克04 1958/59年法兰克福 1959/60年汉堡 1960/61年纽伦堡 1961/62年科隆 1962/63年多特蒙德 德甲(Bundesliga...