4. Classification 1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only 4.1 The forgings are furnished in three grades as to the test method portion, Section 12, of this specification: follows: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety 4.1.1 Grade R60702 — Unalloyed ...
4. Classification 1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the 4.1 The forgings are furnished in three grades as follows: test method portion, Section 12, of this specification: This 4.1.1 Grade R60702—Unalloyed zirconium. standard does not purport to address all of the ...
牌号: ZR60702 ZR60705 Zr1 Zr2 含量: 99.8% 密度: 6.49g/cm³ 熔点: 2680℃ 沸点: 4300℃ 锆石颜色: 淡黄、棕黄、黄绿等 天然锆石硬度: 7.5 Mohs 外观: 强烈的金属光泽 分类: 金属锆和工业锆 冶金作用: 提高钢的硬度 特点: 耐高温、耐磨损、耐腐蚀 产品优势: 白色无臭无味晶体 ...