从华硕的TUF B4..自从自己的三代锐龙平台搭建完毕后,历经三版BIOS,几十次的重启测试,我现在基本可以负责任的告诉大家,至少在华硕的TUF B450M PRO GAMING这个主板上,三代锐龙的一些特性。先放总结:1、
Engineered with military-grade components, an upgraded power solution and a comprehensive set of cooling options, this motherboard delivers rock-solid performance with unwavering gaming stability. When you build with a TUF Gaming motherboard, you also benefit from the TUF Gaming Alliance — an ...
TUF Gaming 主機板經過特別設計與測試,可承受其他主機板難以招架的嚴苛情況。這些主板採用軍規級組件、升級的電源解決方案及全方位的散熱選項,可提供堅如磐石的效能及優異的遊戲穩定性。 當您使用 TUF Gaming 主機板打造電腦時,也將獲益於 TUF Gaming Alliance,亦即 ASUS 與可靠的業界夥伴的合作關係,它可確保讓組裝電...
TUF Gaming 系列可發揮最新 AMD 和 Intel® 平台重要元件的功能,並結合各種電競功能與通過考驗的耐用性。這些主板採用軍規級組件、升級的電源解決方案及全方位的散熱選項,可提供堅如磐石的效能及優異的遊戲穩定性。
华硕TUF B450M-PRO GAMING主板采用的是Realtek ALC8877声卡,位于相对独立的音频芯片区域,避免其他信号干扰音频芯片,确保声音的稳定。此外它还可以支持包括对于RPG、MOBA、FPS三大类游戏不同的声音优化,给予玩家最真实的声音体验。在外接扩展上,华硕TUF B450M-PRO GAMING主板共有6个SATA接口,完全能够满足普通消费...
通过严苛的测试,尽管华硕TUF B450M-PRO GAMING主板是块M-ATX主板,但是该有的料一个都没缩水,同样是采用了严苛的军规级原料,确保了系统的稳定运行,而且在减少普通用户用不到的扩展功能的同时让价格更加便宜,给消费者以实惠。在电商平台中,华硕TUF B450M-PRO GAMING主板的售价目前已经来到750元左右,考虑到扎实的做...
TUF GAMING B450M-PRO II延续了系列产品抢眼的黑黄灰迷彩军装设计,加上厚重的散热装甲,打造出硬朗、极具力量感的外观。供电部分,主板采用的是4+2+1相DiGI+数字供电设计,采用ASP1106控制芯片,搭配TUF电容、TUF电感、TUF晶体管以及二出二进的MOS管设计,让主板在处理器高负荷下运行更稳定且温度更低。如此扎实...
TUF Gaming-moederborden zijn ontworpen voor eenvoudige installatie en configuratie zoals jij dat wilt, zelfs voor beginnende zelfbouwers. Het TUF Gaming Alliance-ecosysteem maakt het selecteren van compatibele onderdelen eenvoudig, terwijl de Armoury Crate-software via een enkel dashboard volledige ...
TUF GAMING B450M-PRO S ROCK-SOLID PERFORMANCE EASY PC DIY IMMERSIVE GAMING DURABLE. STABLE. RELIABLE. TUF Gaming motherboards are specially designed and tested to survive and thrive in conditions where other boards would struggle. Engineered with military-grade components, an upgraded power ...
TUF Gaming motherboards are specially designed and tested to survive and thrive in conditions where other boards would struggle. Engineered with highly durable components, these motherboards deliver unwavering stability for gaming sessions that last as long as you demand. When you build with a TUF ...