✅ B450m DS3H Wifi for Win 11:I'm trying to get my system compliant for Win 11, but keep getting stuck in a bios loop. PC health check > PC must support Secure BootWhen following...
装机求助,主板技嘉B..百度了一下需要在bios里设置secure boot选项关闭,但是这个主板好像没有这个选项,大神求助啊,昨天折腾了一宿
Enable secure boot on Gigabyte B450M DS3H for windows 11 Pls tell me you don’t want to do that. I upgraded from Win10 to Win11 , mobo B450M DSH3 Wifi (Gigabyte) I just entered Windows, then restarted the computer, and it never worked again. Now I have to buy a new motherboard...