微星b450m主板没有boot可有以下方法:1、开机f2进入bios。2、进行设置:boot-launchcsm-enabled,按f10保存退出。3、开机f2进入bios,进行设置:security-securebootcontrol-disabled,按f10保存退出。技嘉的也一样适用 技嘉B450M DS3H是技嘉(GIGABYTE)上性价比高的产品,功能丰富,用起来很很舒服,受到用户...
装机求助,主板技嘉B..百度了一下需要在bios里设置secure boot选项关闭,但是这个主板好像没有这个选项,大神求助啊,昨天折腾了一宿
技嘉主板B450MDS3HV2(rev.1.0)用户手册英语(版本1001)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 B450M DS3H V2 Users Manual Rev. 1001 For more product details, please visit GIGABYTEs website. To reduce the impacts on global warming, the packaging materials of this product are recyclable and ...
✅ B450m DS3H Wifi for Win 11:I'm trying to get my system compliant for Win 11, but keep getting stuck in a bios loop. PC health check > PC must support Secure BootWhen following...
Enable secure boot on Gigabyte B450M DS3H for windows 11 So I have looked everywhere and I could not find the answer to my question. I want to enable secure boot so I can install Windows 11, but it doesn't seem to work. I know I have to turn off CSM support to have access to ...
Enable secure boot on Gigabyte B450M DS3H for windows 11 in Windows 10 Gaming Enable secure boot on Gigabyte B450M DS3H for windows 11: So I have looked everywhere and I could not find the answer to my question. I want to enable secure boot so I can install Windows 11, but it doe...