which have a wide range of liquids, at the temperature of interest have been applied to investigate the effect of basicity on the solubility of carbon from the saturation of acidic or basic components
Commonly, acidic (B2O3) and basic (alkali metal or ZnO) oxides combination in glass gives a lower TPA than alone acidic oxides [55]. Additionally, for all A–F glasses, utilizing all observed absorption transitions, fexp, Judd–Ofelt (J–O) parameters (Ω2,Ω4, and Ω6), fcal, and...
It reacts with whatever is available to behave as both the 'bones' and the 'blood' of glazes (acidic glass former and flux). In some ways, it can thus be considered a low-temperature equivalent of silica (although silica still needs to be present for boron to act as a flux, see ...
Dissolution of a partially devitrified glass slab under acidic (pH=0) or basic (pH=12) conditions indicated that glass/crystal (ZrO 2 derived) interfaces were preferentially dissolved with the crystals being more resistant. An Al-depleted layer and ridge-free hillocks developed on the glass ...
The optical basicity of glass can be enhanced by substituting acidic oxide (B2O3) within the glass network. This behaviour underscores the superior capacity of oxide ions to convey electrons to adjacent cations. The relationship between electronegativity and electronic polarizability in glasses as a ...
In addition, crystallized glasses' (glass-ceramics) properties were determined; the density values were 2.8鈥 3.55 g/cm3; the chemical resistance to acidic and basic media was low; and the band-gap values were in the range of 2.88 to 3.05 eV. These results suggest that crystallized glasses ...