📚 描述 📚 B2543ARH是一款12位开关电容、逐次逼近、辐射硬化的模拟数字转换器。它支持高速数据传输,能够提供高分辨率的转换。采用串行输入模式,可以减少处理器的I/O接口数量。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 新镇十四郎李星辰 2025-01-31 夏季美白身体乳推荐:不同肤质选购指南姐...全文 +7 新镇十四郎李...
2.Description The B2543ARH is a 12-bit switched capacitor, successive-approximation, radiation harden, analog to digital converters. The device allows high-speed data transfers from the host processor, and can get high level resolution. The transfer mode is serial input, which can reduce the I/...