分享技嘉b250m-..DOS下autoexec直接刷新即可,修改后的BIOS只支持第七代微处理器架构(KabyLake)和第八代微处理器架构(CoffeeLake),如果要支持第六代微处理器架构(Intel skylake
终于找到原来可以魔改一下就支持了,之前没搞过这些,但是人就要勇于尝试嘛,现在刷BIOS文件都准备齐了,就是看还要屏蔽CPU针脚犯了难,一个图说是要屏蔽20个点,一个说要屏蔽25个点,我之前也没搞过,所以不知道到底按哪个来。求大佬解答一下 送TA礼物 1楼2020-01-03 11:54回复 ...
技嘉B250M DS..刚在吧里看到有篇B250M DS3H刷BIOS的贴子,我的是同款,各项数据也都符合,目前想把G4600升到9100f或9400f,流程已熟悉,实际操作之前有几个问题想请教下1.刷BIOS后支持8代U也
To enable Secure Boot on your Gigabyte B550M DS3H AC motherboard, follow these steps: Enter BIOS Setup: Restart your computer and press the Del key (or the key specified for your motherboard) repeatedly as soon as the system starts to boot, to enter the BIOS setup. Navigate to the Boot...
@BIOS The GIGABYTE @BIOS app allows you to update your system’s BIOS from within Windows using a simple and slick graphical user interface. @BIOS can automatically download the latest version from the GIGABYTE servers or you can update your BIOS from a file on your computer. @BIOS also all...
Is there a chance for seven? Has anyone worked it out yet? It's about this album: http://www.gigabyte.us/Motherboard/GA-B250M-D3H-rev-10#kf Bios F6 In the specification he writes: Operating System Windows(R) 10 64-bit (for 7th Generation Intel(R) Processors) ...