一台昂达B220 拿来说是只有靠近插电源接口的两个USB口能用,叫我帮修一下。开机进系统,是WIN7系统...
Tips:人CD45存在由编码胞外域的第4、5、6号外显子选择性剪切而产生的多种异构体,不同异构体的表达具有细胞类型的特异性,并取决于细胞活化和分化的状态,例如CD45RA在幼稚T细胞上表达,活化和记忆T细胞表达CD45RO。CD45的抗体包括名称分别为CD45、CD45RA、CD45RB、CD45RO、CD45R的不同抗体。 Tips:小鼠CD45的等位...
Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B Catalog number: 11143D 14,802.00/Each 添加至购物车 Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Flexi 试剂盒 Catalog number: 11061D 11,723.00/Each 添加至购物车 CELLection™ 生物素结合剂试剂盒 Catalog number: 11533D 12,022.00/Each ...
蔡志坚副教授的报告注重临床应用的前景,他介绍了外泌体在粘膜免疫中的作用,包括他们团队在炎症性肠病、哮喘等自身免疫病方面外泌体的治疗前景方面的研究,另外他们团队发现了脾脏来源的B220+ exosomes 对于抗肿瘤化疗作用的抑制,前期的实验结果证实,小鼠脾脏来源的exosomes可同时含有CD39和CD7,并可水解ATP为腺苷。ATP存...
基因别名: B220; CD45; CD45R; GP180; L-CA; LCA; loc; Ly-5; LY5; Lyt-4; PTPRC; T200 UniProt ID: (Human) P08575, (Mouse) P06800 Entrez Gene ID: (Human) 5788, (Mouse) 19264 功能 protein tyrosine phosphatase activity transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity pro...
1982; 69:5-23. (Biology) Hardy RR, Carmack CE, Shinton SA, Kemp JD, Hayakawa K. Resolution and characterization of pro-B and pre-pro-B cell stages in normal mouse bone marrow. J Exp Med. 1991; 173(5):1213-1225. (Biology)Hathcock KS, Hirano H, Murakami S, Hodes RJ. CD45 ...
These studies suggest that NK cells, within the CD19 B220 + bone marrow cell fraction, may contribute to a bone marrow microenvironment that has the potential to negatively regulate E47 (E2A) as well as surrogate light chain levels in B cell precursors in old age. 展开 ...
Ligation of CD45 on B cells can facilitate production of secondary Ig isotypes. J. Immunol. 152: 1014- 1021.4. 4. Domiati-Saad, R., E. W. Ogle, and L. B. Justement. 1993. Administration of anti-CD45 mAb specific for a B cell- restricted epitope abrogates the B cell response to...
B220; CD45 antigen; CD45R; EC; L-CA; LY5; protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C; receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C; T200 glycoprotein; T200 leukocyte common antigen; T200receptor type, c polypeptide Product Datasheets ...