"Now we have a board in place to deliver a great Games and to deliver on Brisbane's promise to the IOC. Importantly, athletes will be at the center of our planning," said Coates. The city of Brisbane has plans to construct four additional venues for the Games, and use 12 existing ven...
国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫说:“国际奥委会荣幸地宣布,获得第35届奥林匹克运动会主办权的是澳大利亚的布里斯班。” The state of Queensland hosted the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the Brisbane bid was praised for its high percentage of existing venue...
Gateway社区资源中心是沃灵顿慈善机构设立的绝佳场所。The Gateway拥有各种大小的会议室,可承办从会议、研讨会和董事会会议到展览等各种类型的活动。