B2 level exams At this level you can do theCambridge First,BEC VantageandPTE General level 3practice exams You can also get an a B2 certificate if you do well enough in thePTE Academic, a multi-level exam, while B2 level candidates should get a band score of 5-6.5 on theIELTStest. B...
How to prepare for PTE exam in Lagos. If you are new to PTE or to English proficiency tests, the... IS IELTS AND TOEFL DIFFERENT? IS IELTS and TOEFL Different? This is a question that we shall be providing answers to in this article... Our...
此前,多邻国高管团队在到访新航道国际教育集团总部时表示公司将继续在激发语言学习兴趣和考试认证两端发力,以更好地服务用户。这一理念与新航道的业务布局和新航道创始人胡敏教授所提出的英语高能高分“Better English, Higher Score”的教...
Although the entry requirements vary depending on the course, as a general rule, you are expected to hold an honours degree at 2:1 level or above (or international equivalent). In addition to academic qualifications, i...
Please scroll down for English version. MSc International Management (Marketing)MSc International Management (Marketing) is a one-year full-time programme that is designed to develop your understanding of key areas in consumer ...
English language test score report if already received (IELTS/PTE Academic) Personal statement (digital version) A photocopy of the both pages from your National ID Step 3: Submit an application Postgraduate Application for 2020 entry is now adjusted to...