汉庭酒店(郑州花园路店)Hanting Hotel (Zhengzhou Huayuan Road) 汉庭酒店(郑州花园路店)店位于花园路与农科路交叉口北侧,自火车站乘坐29路/32路/2路公交车到花园路农路科站下车步行即到;或是乘坐地铁2号线线,到东风路站下车,A出口步行也能到酒店。步行可至郑州市动物园,紧邻国贸360、北环沿线、金水万达商圈,...
There's a hole in the road. 当心!路上有个洞。2. The problem perplexed him. 这个问题使他困惑不解。3. That is a fine excuse. 那是个好藉口。4. How is Mary? 玛丽还好吗?5. It's a pity that Tim has no sense of humor. 真遗憾,...
He said that the educational cooperation and cultural communication between Bahrain and China are essential in a long-term development strategy as part of the Belt and Road Initiative and Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030. Qader revealed that in the past eight years, 4,384 UoB students have register...
China will work with Africa to promote the synergy between high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and the Agenda 2063 of the African Union and African coun...
41, Near SBI Bank GT Road, 帕尼帕特, 帕尼帕特, 印度, 132103 - 查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于帕尼帕特帕尼帕特的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。 这家酒店提供餐厅,给您舒适难忘的入住体验。 重点设施 24小时办理入住 机场接送服务 所有...
Nanjing Shengtai Road Hongyang Square Restaurant * 如您希望您的联系方式出现在本页面上,请点击认领企业,即刻免费提交企业宣传信息和联系方式,本站不收取任何费用。 单位所属行政区划分类信息 南京金拱门食品有限公司南京胜太路弘阳广场餐厅所在地的行政区及行政区划代码详细数据见下方展示: 江苏南京行政区...
Automobile Storage Station In Qinglongli Management Community, Dongchuan Road, Dongshan District, Guangzhou City(自动翻译) 注册地址东川路青龙里管理小区内(邮编510000)附近企业 经营范围车辆存放。* 主要人员 主要人员1 导出 序号姓名职务持股比例 1 冯冯裕成 ...
英文名Chengde Haoledi Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd. Yuhua Road Branch(自动翻译) 营业场所河北省承德市双桥区裕华商贸中心4号楼01-202(仅限办公)(邮编060000)附近企业 经营范围经济与商务信息咨询服务(不含证券、期货、金融类咨询);组织策划文化艺术交流活动。(以上不含许可项目;需专项审批的,未经许可...
英文名Jiangsu Luchang Road Surface New Materials Co., Ltd.(自动翻译更新) 注册地址睢宁县桃岚化工园纬九路南侧绿畅路1号(邮编221200)附近企业 经营范围速溶再生橡胶颗粒、道路抗车辙剂、APTL温拌剂、沥青增延剂、沥青冷拌剂、非固化橡胶沥青防水涂料生产、销售;化学品销售(危险化学品除外);建材、化工专用设备...
Give yourself the best chance of avoiding delays by checking road conditions if driving, or bus and train timetables, amending your travel plans if necessary. People cope better with power cuts when they have prepared for them in advance. It’s easy to do; c...