Brouwer-brolsma EM, Dhonukshe-rutten RA, Van wijngaarden JP, Zwaluw NL, Velde Nv, De groot LC. Dietary Sources of Vitamin B-12 and Their Association with Vitamin B-12 Status Markers in Healthy Older Adults in the B-PROOF Study. Nutrients. ...
H2 blocker use did not influence serum B12 status ( = .1036) while PPI use was associated with diminished serum B12 levels ( = .0125).ConclusionsB12 status declines during prolonged PPI use in older adults, but not with prolonged H2 blocker use; supplementation with RDA amounts of B12 do ...
Keep in mind that sometimes older adults do better supplementing with drops and oral spray forms of B12 because they have trouble with the absorption of the vitamin in the stomach. For adults who are looking to boost their B vitamin levels with something other than whole foods, take B12 as ...
Oral cyanocobalamin supplementation in older people with vitamin B12 deficiency : a dose-finding trial. Arch Intern Med , 2005 , 165: 1167 -72 Google Scholar [31] Federici L, Henoun Loukili N, Zimmer J, Affenberger S, Maloisel F, Andrès E. Manifestations hématologiques de la carenc...
About 10 to 30 percent of older adults experience a condition called atrophic gastritis, which decreases secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach resulting in decreased absorption of B12. Decreased acid levels also may increase the growth of normal intestinal bacteria that use B12, reducing the...
Many studies on biochemical markers have been performed in adults.3 Plasma vitamin B12 status markers, and in particular holoTC concentrations, in children are, however, less well described. This study therefore aimed to study plasma MMA, holoTC, and total Cbl in children and adolescents aged 0...
J. et al. Oral cyanocobalamin supplementation in older people with vitamin B12 deficiency: a dose-finding trial. Arch. Intern. Med. 165, 1167–1172 (2005). Google Scholar Bor, M. V. et al. Daily intake of 4 to 7 μg dietary vitamin B-12 is associated with steady concentrations of ...
Moras E, Hosack A, Watkins D, Rosenblatt DS: Mitochondrial vitamin B12-binding proteins in patients with inborn errors of cobalamin metabolism. Mol Genet Metab. 2007 Feb;90(2):140-7. Epub 2006 Sep 29. [Article] Stover PJ: Vitamin B12 and older adults. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care....
Retest serum cobalamin levels after 4-6 months to ensure they are in the normal range. Supplements • Toxicity is minimal (especially with doses usually used in supplementation).16 • Oral supplements are available over the counter in various doses and dosage forms; prices will vary. • ...
The reduction in SAM:SAH ratio is considered an indicator of decreased methylation capacity of the cells [24]; also, plasma Hcy levels can be lowered with B vitamin supplementation [25]. Our group has shown that Hcy levels in cerebro- spinal fluid (CSF) are significantly higher in children ...