ER doctors, after I tried to kill myself, administered a vitamin B12 test. The test showed that I had profound B12 deficiency. Second, on Christmas Eve, 1998, my doctor had a nurse show me how to give myself B12 shots so I didn’t have to keep paying for a nurse to do ...
The ease and lower cost of obtaining my Lipotropic B12 in the mail has been a game changer for me. Living in a rural area, I had been driving a 140 mile round trip each week to get shots administered for a much higher pricetag in a clinic in the city nearest to me. I had to ...
Auto-focus at lower light levels at the center point is also improved, so that helps with getting those low light shots as well. As for overall crispness and quality of the shots (which of course, depends very much on the lens itself), I found pho...
began to feel like it had revealed to me the suffering of others. I was entering a world of people just like me, people stumbling around in the debris of dreams they thought they were entitled to and plans they didn't realize they had made. It was a feeling of...