Kidney disease, or chronic renal disease, is a health problem that can afflict dogs and cats as well as humans. There are many treatments for the disease, which is progressive, butthere is no cure.One of the treatments given by veterinarians is injections of vitamin B12, also known as cob...
A year's supply of 1,000mcg vitamin B12 tablets costs under $20, which is less than the cost of going to the doctor's office for injections. On the other hand, patients who are likely to be noncompliant with oral therapy should be seen regularly by a doctor and treated with intramuscul...
Dogs and cats: 0.5 - 5 ml, Poultry: 1 ml. - Repeat daily if required. - In cases of chronic disease: half the dose at intervals of 1~2 weeks or less. - In healthy animals: half the dose.Contra indications: No contra-indications have been identifie...
Management includes life-long vitamin B12 injections, and with this regimen, the patients stay healthy for decades. However, the proteinuria persists. In diagnosing this disease, it is important to be aware that cobalamin deficiency affects enterocyte function; therefore, all tests suggesting general ...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term autoimmune disease. As nanotechnology has advanced, a growing number of nanodrugs have been used in the treatment of RA due to their unique physical and chemical properties. The purpose of this study was to assess
Performed in healthy Beagle dogs, this work involved 2 single-dose studies of 6 weeks or 9 months, and a repeat-dose study of 9 months (1 dose per month for 3 months, or 1 dose every 3 months for 9 months). Systemic TK conce...
Management includes life-long vitamin B12 injections, and with this regimen, the patients stay healthy for decades. However, the proteinuria persists. In diagnosing this disease, it is important to be aware that cobalamin deficiency affects enterocyte function; therefore, all tests suggesting general ...