Similarly, when assaying B12levels greater than 1500 pg. per ml., the quantity of serum used can be decreased or the quantity of co57b12 increased ( the latter with a proportional increase of NFIF). The increased accuracy provided by such changes is unnecessary for diagnostic interpretation of...
“Among patients with cobalamin deficiency, the blood level of methylmalonic acid was about eight times greater than among controls. However, in the cerebrospinal fluid, the level of methylmalonic acid was, on the average, 600 times greater than among control patients.”Ibid. Low B12 and Brain A...
(59.6%) can be classified as responders to B12 (Supplementary Fig.6B), suggesting that B12 supplementation may help lower serum triglycerides in some but not all individuals. Of interest, the baseline triglycerides of non-responders (mean value = 1.28 mmol/L) were much lower than that...
The strongest phenotypic effects were seen in the petals of three McMYB12a transgenic lines and three McMYB12b transgenic lines, where the pig- mentation was much greater in McMYB12a overexpressing plants than in the wild type controls and McMYB12b transgenic lines (Fig. 6A). Transgenic ...
(59.6%) can be classified as responders to B12 (Supplementary Fig.6B), suggesting that B12 supplementation may help lower serum triglycerides in some but not all individuals. Of interest, the baseline triglycerides of non-responders (mean value = 1.28 mmol/L) were much lower than that...
Residue on ignition Not more than 0.3% 0.1% Chromatographic purity Not greater than 2.0% Conform Organic volatile impurities Meet the requirenments Conform Assay 97.0~102.0% 98.7% Total Plate count <1000CFU/g Conform Coliforms <30MPN...
Watanabe found that: “A soybean-fermented food, tempe, contains a large amount of vitamin B-12 (0.7 to 8 μg/100 g).” That amount is as much or greater than the amount of B-12 contained in a serving of meat, eggs, or milk. This finding should not be that surprising, given tha...
2000, John Wiley, New York, 311-26. Google Scholar Chanarin I: Haematology. 1989, Churchill Living Stone, New York, 130-7. Google Scholar Technical annex: tests used to assess Helicobacter pylori infection: Working Party of the European Helicobactor pylori Study Group. Gut. 1997, 41: ...
(Supplementary Table4and Supplementary Fig.17). We found that growth temperature has a greater influence on vitamin B12production than IPTG concentrations: low temperature is conducive to the expression of soluble proteins and to correct folding, while high temperature is conducive to bacteria growth....
ER stress in B12-deficient cells stems from SIRT1 decreased expression. The levels of SIRT1 protein and transcript are lower in TO than in OT cells, respectively. Supplement with either B12 or SAM significantly increases SIRT1 level in TO cells (P<0.001) (a). Modulation of the activity of...