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品牌 金仑 迪嘉 DAFA YLT 无牌或贴牌 SKF 三洋 BARDEN LYC 洛轴 HIKI LINKBELT FAG FAFNIR JSHXOB 鸿元轴承 臻盛 ITANG JSXR THK 住友 aurora 英利特 ORS 更多 内径 8cm 10cm 20cm 25cm 30cm 外径 20cm 25cm 是否进口 否 是 产品参数 密封盖 是否定制 收起筛选 ...
WOVEN MESH AND SAFETY WAIST PROTECTION BELT THEREOF The woven mesh comprises a plurality of parallel safety ropes (1) and mesh sleeves (2) which are integrally woven and sleeved on the periphery of the safety ropes. A plurality of tight joint segments (3) are sequentially arranged ... Y Li...
参会报名持续开放中,欢迎您的参与!论坛预告Forum Preview“一带一路”教育国际交流论坛:新质生产力赋能“一带一路”教育国际交流Forum on Belt and Road International Education Exchange: New Quality Productive Forces Empower Belt ...
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the Belt and Road Initiative ●实行更加积极主动的开放战略 pursue a more proactive strategy of opening up ●更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放格局 a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth ●载人航天、...
ABSORBENT ARTICLE WITH BELT HAVING PROFILED ELASTICITY An absorbent article (20) has a front belt (60) and a rear belt (40), each comprising a central zone (64, 44) and first and second peripheral zones (43,45), the zones extending substantially in transverse direction of the absorbent ar...
美康挖掘机发动机皮带 5483434 V型多楔带 BELT,V RIBBED 真实性已核验 康明斯品牌 查看电话 在线咨询 查看详情 ¥95.00 山东济宁 4358153V型多楔带BELT 柳工矿用车QSK23皮带全型号 实地验商 挖掘机 康明斯品牌 查看电话 在线咨询 查看详情 ¥324.70 山东济宁 现代L1200-9挖掘机QSK23-C下...
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Wang Wenbin: China has put out a press release on the meeting you mentioned. You may refer to that. I want to stress here that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a key pilot project under the Belt and Road ...