NVIDIA B100带来水冷散热时代 随着AI技术的飞速发展和应用,散热结构正在发生重大转变。过去,英特尔(Intel)和超微(AMD)一直将芯片的散热需求控制在250~300瓦的水平。然而,随着ChatGPT等AI技术的崛起,NVIDIA的芯片需求暴增,同时也打开了散热技术的创新空间。这一变革不仅为散热模块厂带来了新的机会,更为散热结构从气冷转...
传英伟达 B100 提前至明年Q2发布 由于AI市场需求大增,传英伟达(NVIDIA)下一代AI芯片将提前发表。英伟达Blackwell B100 GPU的发表日期从2024年第四季提前至第二季,预计将使用SK海力士的第五代高频宽记忆体HBM3e来驱动其最新芯片。 市场人士指出,H100是英伟达目前最高规格的GPU,而B100比H100更具影响力,将採台积电3~...
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With a seating capacity of eight to ten people, this 1976 Ford B100 could be the ideal vehicle for cross-country journeys. It features plenty of room for its occupants and space for a large load of luggage. Its V8 engine should allow it to clock the miles effortlessly. If returned to a...
搜料网提供Compounders Compounders PC+ABS B100物性表,价格,UL,SGS,FDA.PC-ABSCOM™ B100是一种PC/ABS合金,具有优异的热变形和冲击性能。典型应用包括手机外壳和一般外壳。.采购 PC-ABSCOM™ B100 上搜料超市
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Recommended applications include: hospital surgical suites and areas along the path of egress with high ceiling heights, as well as health care, educational and commercial facilities needing higher levels of emergency illumination. Downloads Spec Sheet All IES Files...