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Molecular basis of sequence-specific single-stranded DNA recognition by KH domains: solution structure of a complex between hnRNP K KH3 and single-stranded DNA EMBO J., 21 (2002), pp. 3476-3485 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 31. Grishin N.V. KH domain: one motif, two folds Nucleic Acids ...
商品名称:美国 Solaray B-Complex 100 复合维生素 B100 100粒 商品编号:10057100338968 店铺: 特博食品专营店已退店 适用性别:通用 包装形式:礼盒装 剂型:胶囊 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请...
Lipoproteins (LPs) are complex and heterogeneous macromolecular nanoparticles that facilitate the transport of fat-soluble molecules through aqueous extracellular fluids1,6. They consist of a monolayer of phospholipid and free cholesterol with embedded apolipoproteins, all surrounding a core of primarily tri...
as well as other nested case-control studies that have found the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C to perform favorably,12,27 it would not seem clinically important to replace standard lipid measures with more complex apolipoprotein evaluations—at least for the purpose of primary risk detection...
Reyes-Soffer G., B. Moon, A. Hernandez-Ono, M. Dionizovick-Dimanovski, J. Jimenez, J. Obunike, T. Thomas, C. Ngai, N. Fontanez, D.S. Donovan Complex effects of inhibiting hepatic apolipoprotein B100 synthesis in humans Sci. Transl. Med., 8 (2016), p. 325er3 Google Scholar 18...
capabilities,ꢀtimingꢀsystemsꢀandꢀotherꢀfeaturesꢀrequiredꢀtoꢀhandleꢀcomplexꢀcontrolꢀ and diagnostic systems. In addition, these scalable devices are supported by an enablement ecosystem that includes software drivers, operating systems and configuration code to help you quickly...
推荐意见4:建议无症状HUA肾脏移植受者给予降尿酸治疗,治疗起点为SUA超过420μmol/L (7mg/dl)(推荐强度B,证据等级2c)。 推荐意见说明: 1. 无症状HUA是否需要治疗 由于证据不足,各国的推荐意见各不相同。近年来,越来越多的研究提示在肾脏移植受者中,无症状HU...
“复数波形合成器”(Complex Waveform Merger)元件将两个真波形合成为一个复数波形。实数位于顶部,正交输入位于底部。图54.复数波形合成器 复数波形分路器“复数波形分路器”(Complex Waveform Splitter)将复数波形分成两个真波形。实输出位于顶部,正交输出位于底部。