Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brain more and more---and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, ...
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to deal with the question and answer session at the end of apresentation in English. A presentation can be planned, organized, scripted, and rehearsed. But that’s simply...
answers, let students talk about their problems in learning english and help them speak up about their problems in a suitable way. as for the part of advising li rui, it is necessary to have a review of what they have l...
English writing-B1-U04 •knowhowtochooseanappropriatesubjectandwheretoputit;•usevoiceseffectively•usetensesandmoodscorrectly•writeextendednotices UnitObjectives •Thefirststepinwritingasentenceistoconstructasoundbase.•Thechoiceofthesubjectiscrucialinsentencewriting,Whatisagoodsubjectthen?Itdependsona...
2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability. 3. Develop students’ different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems. 4. Help students to understand how to ...
With a partner, create a schedule for one day in the life of an astronaut on the International Space Station. Use the informatio 49、n from the presentation. Remember that astronauts need time each day for both work and leisure. After ListeningListening 1 A | Checking Time Expressions. ...
All of the residents can use the swimming pool on the roof of building number two. The style of the lobby of building number three is modern, and i 40、tsTo be continued Analytical ListeningListening 1 Example Answers (continued)very “Barcelona”. One wall is covered with art. The ...
1.Askyourclassmatesquestionstofindoutsomethingincommonwithyou.Findsomeonewho:comesfromthesameprovinceasyoudo usedthesameEnglishtextbookinseniorhighschoolasyoudidlikedthesamesubjectsatschoolasyoudidhasanEnglishnameworkedduringthesummervacationdidsomestudyingduringthesummervacationknowswhere...
Task 1: Combine each pair of sentences into one by making use of the past perfect aspect of the verb. ▆Answers for reference: 1)We rushed to the railway station, but found the train had left. 2)Before I became an English major at an American college, I had learnt some English at ...
Six full practice tests with answers and teacher’s notes: the fj rst two with easy-to- ollo , expert guidance. The two guided tests include:- 73 Tips- 14 Advic boxes- 2 Remember boxes- raining activities- Exam practice.Exam orientation and frequently asked questions.How to use it?Build...