需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 现代大学英语(第三版)精读1教学课件B1U9.pptx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ;Lead-in;Lead-in;Lead-in;Lead-in;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;Text;The Greatest Invention Lord Dunsany 1 “What do you think...
Examples: 他把脏衣服放在床下面了。tā bǎ zāng yīfu fàng zài chuáng xiàmiàn le. | He put his dirty laundry under the bed. 我把她的生日忘了。wǒ bǎ tā de shēngrì wàng le. | I forgot her birthday. How is 把 used in Chinese?
2The studentsat the top of the classattainacademic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn.To begin with,top students know how to set their priorities right.Study time is never compromised for phone calls, television programmes or ...
Q: What does“look up”mean?Q: What other examples of Internet Slang can you find in the passage?Q: Do you often use Internet Sla 08 学案展示 09 课件展示 10 教师介绍 陈莹,浙江省诸暨中学教育集团暨阳分校,中学一级教师,浙江大学教育硕...
B1To invent something is not very difficult. Here are some examples of small but useful inventions.Sunglasses: As early as 1284, the first eyeglasses were invented in Italy. In 1752, James Ayscough used green and blue glasses to protect eyes from strong light. These first sunglasses were like...
4AskSstoraise5-10questionsaboutthelanguageusein thetext. Pre-reading Assignments Teaching Plan Assignments Intheprocessofteaching,TinvitesSstoaccomplishtheir assignedtasks. 1AskSstopreparetheunitproject. While-reading After-reading 2AskSstopresenttheirprojectinclass. ...
import { DRACOLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/DRACOLoader.js' import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js' import { DRACOLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/DRACOLoader.js' export default function loadGLTF(url, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, re...
Share your experiences with the class.4. How can you use the 18、language in this passage to talk about sportspeople? Give examples.Think about the following questions and choose one topic to make an oral speech.Possible answers!1. The author mentions the “simple basket” at the start ...
3.Keep a vocabulary notebook to write down new words and make notes about how to use each word. 身边常备单词本,随时记下新单词,并且记下每个单词的用法。 4.Read the instructions and study any examples carefully. 仔细读题并参考题例。 5.Make sure that you can skim and scan (read a text ...
60、 from 10) competitive wrapping up use the following self-assessment checklist to check what you have learned in this unit. okneeds work i can talk about my lifestyle such as sports and food preferences. i can predict a change of thought while listening. i can ask and talk about healt...