B1 level exams At this level you can do thePETandPTE General level 2practice exams You can also get an a B1 certificate if you do well enough in thePTE Academic, a multi-level exam, while B1 level candidates should get a band score of 4-4.5 on theIELTStest. B1 level practice This ...
When you’re waiting to take your B1 (ISE I) SELT you might like to prepare by practising your English language skills or see examples of the test that you’ll take on the day. You can explore our materials below to make sure that you have everything you need ahead of your SELT test...
书名:Practice Tests for B1 Preliminary: PET (Collins Cambridge English) 作者:Peter Travis 出版社名称:Collins 出版时间:2020 语种:英语 ISBN:9780008367480 商品尺寸:以实物为准 包装:平装 页数:256(以实物为准) 在剑桥英语B1预选赛中取得zui高分所需的所有练习。
PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,PET考试成绩分为四个级别:优秀(Pass with Merit),合格(Pass),接近合格(Narrow Fail)。考试分数是三部分试卷分数的总和。每位考生将于考试结束6个星期后收到考试结果报告,报告中不仅
PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,PET考试成绩分为四个级别:优秀(Pass with Merit),合格(Pass),接近合格(Narrow Fail)。考试分数是三部分试卷分数的总和。每位考生将于考试结束6个星期后收到考试结果报告,报告中不仅
Free Practice Tests for learners of EnglishIntegrated Skills in English B1This test from Trinity College is at B1 level.You take ISE I in two parts — Reading & Writing and Speaking & Listening.The Reading & Writing exam takes 2 hours and has four parts:...
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《Practice Test Plus B1 Preliminary for school》由典妈书房11创作,目前已更新176个节目,包含PTP_Pfs_Intro、PTP_Pfs_List_P1_Tr_Ex 1、PTP_Pfs_List_P1_Tr_Ex 2、PTP_Pfs_List_P1_Tr_Ex 10、PTP_Pfs_List_P2_Tr_Ex 1 & 2等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生
Get ready for the IELTS Life Skills B1 test with the IELTS Life Skills Official Cambridge Test Practice B1 with Answers (Ebook). It includes practice tests, answers, and tips for mastering the speaking & listening sections.
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