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Active English Practice! PDF Books & Worksheets.Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Student's Book: An Integrated Skills Course for EAP.A three-level (B1+ to C1) integrated skills course for higher education students at university or on foundation courses.#...
Leonardo da Vinci who painted the Mona Lisa Christopher Wren who rebuilt London Antoni Gaudí who built the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Pablo Picasso, the famous Spanish painter Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican female artist BRITISH ENGLISH Word count: 10,172 Headword count: 941 Each book includes...
2、 his Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English geologist and naturalist. In his famous book On the Origin of Species, Darwin proposed the theory that organisms (individual life forms ) evolve extremely slowly. He stated that the organisms that were better suited to their...